

Multimodal Tutorial

by Kara Toman

Safe and Simple Blogs for Your Students

Kidblog is an easy tool for teachers that allows them to start a classroom blog. Each student in the classroom has the opportunity to have their own individual blog to express their thoughts, knowledge and feelings about educational topics. Kidblog is an application supports learning from k-12. You can start blogging by going to .

Pedagogical Uses is a website that allows teachers to safely and responsibly start a classroom blog. Each student has the opportunity to connect with one another in the classroom to become digitally literate. Teachers and students have the opportunity to practice creative writing. reflect on their work, learn about being responsible and how to be a safe digital citizen. Students also have the chance to create their own e-portfolio. In this tutorial, I will show educators how to start their very own classroom blog!

Please go to to begin. You will see the home screen. On the right hand side of the home screen, there are three tabs that are labeled, teachers, parent, and students. Educators need to click on the orange teacher tab to begin.

Step 1: Look below at the first screenshot. You must click on the orange TEACHER tab to start.

skitch 1.png

How to do it-Sign Up to BLOG!

Step 2: Please follow the pink arrow to enter you personal information to start your own grade level blog!


FREE to join!

Step 3: Below is a picture of the “Welcome to Kidblog” page...Click on get started to create your first post! (If you click on any of the blue links below, the link will get you to privacy settings, add students and postings quickly and efficiently.)

Step 4: Enter the title of your first post and the content of the post in the given boxes. Kidblog gives you the option to save the draft of the post or to publish the post. You should save as a draft if you are not sure of the content and may want to revise later. You can do all this with one click of a button!

welcome page kidblog.png
how to write 2.png

Step 5: What does the finished product look like? (Press publish (see step above) to get to this page.)

how to write.png


After doing some research on the internet, the only draw back I have found is that there is only 500 MB of space to use.


I would highly recommend this digital tool to use in your classroom. I hope to add a lesson plan in the future.

Revision History/Audit Trail

Changes, audits, revisions, and requested changes indicated by date, time, and author. Please include contact info (Twitter, or email address as hyperlink). If a change is needed, please indicate your change in this section and change the page. If you add changes, please be sure to document them here. Only changes should be indicated here....potential changes or questions should be included as comments below.


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