
This page is for sharing audio & video podcasts that you have created, or frequently use. Please include a 1-3 sentence description of the site and how it is useful.

IRA Podcasts and Podcast Series Listen to great ideas anywhere—in a PD session, while you're driving to work, or when you're out for your morning jog. All podcasts are free and easy to download in MP3 format.

TWIT - "Netcasts you love, from people you trust" Video, and audio podcasts available on a variety of topics of interest to the technology, literacy, and social media researcher. I recommend This Week in Tech, and This Week in Google (@wiobyrne)

Voice of Literacy [podcasts] Listen to bi-weekly podcasts (available 1st and 3rd Mondays) of interviews with literacy researchers as they discuss the implications of their research. Teachers, parents, principals, and policymakers are invited to listen and discuss ways to improve literacy instruction.