
Summary of the Tool

Kaizena is a tool that allows teachers to give audio comments on students' work. Students can request feedback from teachers and teachers can directly respond to this request. Teachers can open up documents through the application, or they can open up their Kaizena through Google Docs. Kaizena takes the feedback ability of Google Docs one step further. Instead of just being able to leave comments, teachers can record their own voice and leave links to resources for students to explore. Teachers have the ability to share these resources on multiple students' documents. It is a way to help students stay engage and to really dive into the revision process.

Pedagogical Uses

According to the Common Core State standards, students in the 7th grade should be able to do the following:


With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed.


Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and cite sources as well as to interact and collaborate with others, including linking to and citing sources.

Students need to be able to see the revision process as important as the writing process. Many students write the first draft and then stop writing. Kaizena is a way for students to become engaged with their editing using technology. Peers can even request feedback from other peers. The following is a screen cast from the student's perspective.

How to do it

1. Log on to Kaizena.com

2. You will see the above image.

3. Click on Sign in with Google

4. They will ask you for access to your Google Drive; click yes.

5. Once they have access, you can begin.

6. Watch the Screen cast below to see how to use Kaizena!


Sometimes Kaizena has trouble loading large documents.


Kaizena is a tool I am excited to use in the classroom. The audio comments will help give more targeted feedback and also let students interact with texts in multiple ways.