Episode 005 - Creating a Culture of Multi-literate & Polylingual Friendly Educational Spaces

The subject of the fifth episode is Creating a Culture of Multi-literate & Polylingual Friendly Educational Spaces. Our panel includes: Silvia Nogueron-Liu, Kouider Mokhtari, Veronica Zamora, and Angela Lopez-Velasquez.

The video for this episode is embedded below. The audio MP3 of the episode is available in the folder for materials located at the bottom of this page.

The show notes for this episode are available here. Other resources and files for the episode are available in the folder beneath the show notes.

LRA R2P - Episode 005 - C...endly Educational Spaces

Folder of materials & resources. To add the folder to your Google Drive...or to add files to the folder, please click the list of files.