LRA: Research to Practice

The Research to Practice shows are an initiative of the Literacy Research Association.

The purpose of the Research to Practice series is to connect current research and "best principles" to what could/should be happening in the classroom. We'll be using Google Hangouts-on-Air to broadcast and save the shows. This means that you can watch the show live while it is happening...and ask questions. You can watch it on YouTube after the show has completed. Because it is on YouTube you can also share with teachers and students that you believe would be interested in the topics, or the series.

Each episode focuses on an area of research, and the associated instructional opportunities for the classroom.

Episode 001 - Disciplinary Literacies

Episode 002 - Graphic Novels

Episode 003 - Multimodality and Writing

Episode 004 - Gender as a Lens in the Classroom

Episode 005 - Creating a Culture of Mulitliterate & Polylingual Friendly Educational Spaces

Episode 006 - Formative Design Based Research

Episode 007 - Academic Vocabulary

Episode 008 - Gaming