
It can sometimes be problematic for us to work with students or colleagues in multimodal environments, but provide them with linear text directions how to navigate and engage with that environment. Using various, FREE tools we can create multimodal directions that learners can watch, watch again.

Multimodal tutorials are screencasts, or screencaptures of what is happening on your computer screen. There are two major types of information we will be capturing as we capture, build, and share these tutorials: static images; or video walkthroughs.

For this session we will be focusing on and using Screencast-o-matic. Previously I was a big fan of Jing. Jing is a free Web 2.0 tool that can capture and annotate images, or capture video walkthroughs on your PC or Mac. The Jing page will give you information as to how to sign up for, install, and share Jing well as using it with Others products and tools available are detailed at the bottom of this page. You can also use products like Skitch if you plan on just grabbing and annotating images, or screencaptures from the Internet.

Tool & Application

1. Screencasts or screencaptures can be used to direct students to a particular web environment, showing them how to navigate and interact with the environment. As example of this is a video that has been used to show a group of students how to use Google Presentation for a class assignment.

2. Screencasts can be used as a lecture capture tool (e. g., Tegrity), or as a means to capture instructor think-alouds to scaffold students as they work in online and offline spaces.

Assessment & Tool Use

1. Screencasts can be used to provide video or audio feedback on assessments for students. As an example, Jing can be used to record instructor, or peer feedback on an assignment.

2. Screencasts can be used by students to have them create screencasts or screencaptures in which they document their learning.

Possible Research Use

1. Screencasts can be used to capture interview data in which the participant is allowed to access online information, or use a computer. An example of this is from my dissertation and the pilot study in which interviews of students were conducted using the computer. Jing was used to capture this video, allowing students to use the computer to explain decisions made while working online.

2. Screencasts or screencaptures can be used to grab images or video of online interactions, and then be shared with students either as an assessment, or having them respond to information presented in the assessment. An example of this is the COIL instrument.

Other Options Available:

There are also other options for these tools available to you.

Skitch is a fantastic tool (that now is built into Evernote). Skitch only runs on Macs and Android products. Skitch will allow you to capture, annotate, edit, and share images from your screen.

Screenr is a lightweight, video walkthrough capture tool that will allow you to quickly grab and share video online. Screenr is a favorite among Twitter users, but its popularity is quickly growing as there is no need to install software.

There are other video walkthrough tools that can be used, but will cost you much more than the options above...but they are great products. iShowU is only available on the Mac, whereas Camtasia is available on both Mac and PC. On the Mac you also have the option of upgrading Quicktime to Quicktime Pro (or Quicktime on Lion) and being able to capture images and video as well.

Consider yourself a stellar screencaster?

Best Practices for creating training materials

Zooming: The "holy grail" of screencasting