Google Drive

Google Drive is a great way to not only back up your files, but also keep track of what you have in Google Docs, Forms, Spreadsheets, and Presentation. With Google Drive, you start off with 5 GB. You can pay for more storage: 25GB for $2.49/month, 100GB for $4.99/month or 1TB for $49.99/month. If you sign up for Google Drive, and install it on your Mac or PC, I suggest you first back up your machine to an external drive. Then organize your files into some order...and delete any documents you definitely don't need. Once you install Google Drive, it will install a folder on your computer in much the same fashion that Dropbox works. Once you add files to Google'll upload them. You can then check and log in using your Google Account to see all of your files. You might have to open a word doc, PPT, or excel spreadsheet and do a little tweaking to make it work as a Google Doc...but the good news is that you've done most of the hard work already.

Google Docs: Organization of Drive: Creating and Sharing Folders


Google Docs is part of the free online program that accompanies a Google account. It has word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet capabilities to go along with the email features of gmail.

This tutorial will discuss how to create, save, and share folders. It is the follow-up to “How to Use Google Docs” by Jody Ceglarski.


Google Docs can be used as a method of communication between student and teacher.

It can assist teachers in differentiating and scaffolding material (via Smartboard) with its ability to be seen by a whole class or used one-on-one with students.

Aids collaboration for assignments as all students can access the same document.

Use of folders aids organization of student work. Classes can be organized in the Drive and are easily accessible for teachers.



Click here: or view the tutorial below to learn how to create and share folders in Google Drive.


You need to have a Google email account.


Easy access. You can get to your drive from any device that has internet or the app.

The ability to share folders is helpful for various reasons. Whether you are sending a unit plan to another teacher or sharing a student’s work for a PPT, etc. The ability to share documents and folders is beneficial.

Because all work is instantly saved, student work-completion can improve.

Revision History/Audit Trail

Edited by Monica Hayes on August 14, 2014.