Google Presentation

Summary of the Tool

Google Presentation is a free, online tool that will allow you to collaboratively build PowerPoint-like demonstrations. I used to be the type of person that would build a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation with colleagues, email the file back and forth until it became too large to email. Then I would show the PPT during my talk, and it would then collect dust in the appropriate folder on my computer. At the actual talk, I would print out the slides so that everyone could follow the talk along...and many of these were left behind as the audience left. A little bit later I got smarter and uploaded my PPT to Scribd, or a service like Slideshare. Now with Google Presentation, I can collaboratively edit the presentation with colleagues, automatically house it online (via Google Docs), and allow the audience to quickly view (and revisit) when they chose.

Pedagogical Uses

Students can use Google Presentation to create their own presentations on a topic of study to share with the class. The “Share” feature allows multiple students to work on the same presentation for group assignments. Teachers may also use Google Present to engage students when introducing a new topic.

How to do it

First, sign up for a Google account. The Screencast Tutorial video gives a brief overview of: creating a Google Present document, sharing the document and some of the features of the Google Present menu. It concludes with a ninth grade student sample of a Google Presentation.


You need a Google account to use this program. Otherwise, I have not run into any major limitations with this program. It is pretty straightforward.

Very Important...

Google Presentation is a Web 2.0 tool, meaning that it is fully online. If you don't have Internet access, or spotty access where you plan to could be problematic. In this instance I would suggest building the presentation in Google Presentation...and then download the file as a PPT, PDF, or DOC. Please also make sure you check your formatting before you stand up in front of thousands to speak.


Google Present is a great alternative to Power Point. It provides all the same features while being accessible from any computer with Internet access. The ability to share and work collectively with others on the document is a great feature. Google Presentations allow students and teachers the ability to create a colorful demonstration with many opportunities for links to media.

Revision History/Audit Trail

Original page created by Ian O'Byrne. Changes made by Christel Russman on August 4, 2014 include addition of subtitled sections and an additional screencast.

26 Interesting Ways* to u...ogle+ to Support Learning

Google Presentation is a great tool that also allows you to collaboratively construct and edit files that make sense to build in a PPT-like style. For example, check out the Google Presentation piece created by Tom Barrett that has been edited and revised by educators all over the world...on educational uses for Google+.