
Introduction: Alternatives to PowerPoint

    • Prezi Presidential Address Prezi Page
    • Google Presenter
    • Designing a Presentation
      • Simplicity*
      • Restraint*
      • Naturalness (Reynolds, 2010)
    • Principles
    • A Prezi about Prezi Design
    • Design, don't decorate
    • Who is the audience?
    • To what should the audience attend?
    • What are the strengths and limitations of the tools available?

Assessing Tool Use

    • Avoids the linear
    • Allows grouping concepts in visually appealing ways
    • Enhance interactive features of some presentation

Future Research

    1. How do we teach students to design presentations that incorporate visual resources in meaningful ways?
    2. How do we assess student progress when visual resources are incorporated?
    3. How might students use presentation tools to promote learning and compose thinking (rather than just demonstrate learning)?


Using PowerPoint to Encourage Learning

The Gettysburg Address as PowerPoint by Peter Norvig

Presentation Zen


Video Tutorials

Prezi Introduction

Learn Prezi Tutorial


Reynolds, G. (2010). Presentationzen: Design. Berkeley, CA: New Riders.