Literacy Learning for EC-6 Students: Reading and Writing [taught on campus at UT Arlington]

Shared by Peggy Semingson, Ph.D., or

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Course taught on-campus at UT Arlington; I will be switching this course to all digital readings.

Stay tuned for the all-digital course readings! I will post the revised full syllabus by end of July!


Balanced literacy approach to teaching with an emphasis on reading and writing. Theoretical models, principles of teaching reading and writing using a variety of instructional strategies, the role of phonemic awareness, effective program organization, assessment, and classroom management.

Video [Xtranormal] of Course Overview and Tips-YouTube

Script for Course Overview Video [please feel free to share and borrow, modify, etc.]: Click here for script!

Course Calendar-Visual Map [done with Word and "drawing" tools]

Link to doc is here and below:

Course Calendar


Due dates are on the course calendar. All assignments will be turned in via Blackboard by 11:55 pm on the due date.

Late work receives late points deducted. Late work will not be accepted a week after the due date.

There are no extra credit opportunities in this class.


One demonstration lesson (1 lesson x 25 points each)

A. Guided Reading Plan: Lesson Plan #1 (Due Session 12)

**Note: There is a lesson plan tutorial, which is required reading before you start the second lesson plan. You will also come prepared to class to “do” your lesson in class in small groups. I will provide all the children’s books for the lesson plans. Use the blank lesson plan template I will provide you for the lesson plan. We will primarily work on this in class.

You will be uploading a copy of this lesson plan to the TK-20 site.

Six Pop Quizzes.

These will be in the form of “Pop quizzes” at the end of class. The days they will be offered will be randomly selected. Be prepared each class session for a potential quiz on that week’s readings. The quiz will take about 20 minutes and you will write in class in response to an open-ended question covering the textbook readings. Your response should be about a page, hand-written, single-spaced, in length. The quizzes will cover textbook readings according to the course calendar and assigned readings). To do well on the quiz you must refer to ideas from the textbook.

We will start the quizzes during Session 2 of class. Be prepared. These quizzes are closed-note and you may not use any books during the quiz.

Quizzes cannot be made up if you are absent unless you have a documented emergency.

6 quizzes X 10 points each

Book Club in Class [participation points]

Read and discuss a children’s chapter book in small groups of 4-6 members. I will provide the books for the book club.

Write a 1-2 page sheet of notes to bring to each book club discussion including big ideas and themes, connections, questions for the group, and favorite parts/quotes from the book.

Write a final reflection (2-3 pages single-spaced) to be submitted to Blackboard.

The book club should be chosen from the list of sustainability books:

The sustainability book club will take place in class during Sessions 5 and 6

Final reflection—10 points

Due by Session 7.

Phonics Test

The phonics quiz will cover terms and terminology from Leu, D., Kinzer, C., Wilson, R., & Hall, M. (2006). Phonics, phonemic awareness, and word analysis for teachers: An interactive tutorial. You will need to read this book on your own. I am also creating a self-paced online tutorial to help study and prepare for the phonics quiz.

The phonics quiz will be given in Session 9 of the class. . I encourage you to form study groups to prepare for this quiz. Bring a laptop to class on the day of the quiz.

Online Discussion Group Forum: on Blackboard: Topic of Beginning Reading

Everyone will do five weeks of participation in the online discussion forum on Blackboard, responding to prompts about the topic of beginning reading. For this assignment you will participate in posting and commenting on the online Group Discussion forums in Blackboard. A rubric will be provided in class. You will need to do your initial post by Thursday (11:59 pm) and do follow up replies to peers by Saturday at 6 pm. These online discussions will also help to prepare you for the phonics quiz.

10 points per post/comments x 5 weeks= 50 points

These will take place during weeks 4-8 of the class. The purpose of the discussion forum is to further understand the topic of teaching beginning reading.

For each weekly post:

· Do your initial post by Thursday night (11:59 pm). (2-3 paragraphs response to a provided prompt) [5 points]

· Do three follow up comments by Saturday night at 6 pm. (1 paragraphs or more in response to your peers. Post earlier than the 6 pm deadline to ensure informal follow-ups [5 points]


25 points

60 points

10 points

30 points

50 points