98 - the avenging angel

May 24, 1985: "Falcon Crest" finished its fourth season with one of the most shocking, thrilling, surprising cliffhanger episodes in the SuperSoaps´ history: After finding her husband in the tender arms of his partner Connie Giannini, Maggie drove to Richard´s house and threw herself into his (tender too) arms, so unexpectedly but convincingly that the single scene provided 3 more years of slow, troubled relationship between the woman and her brother-in-law. Just when the couple were kissing, a bomb (put by whom...?) blew the house into pieces and the frame froze...The next season, we found out that Richard was quickly recovering from his bone fractures and Maggie, well, she just had amnesia and didn´t remember anything (or anybody) at all. In the same season finale, Angela enjoyed Richard´s and Chase´s bankruptcies, but was outraged to see that Cassandra Wilder owned the loan she had asked to ruin her rivals, and turned out to be the daughter of Anna Rossini (Celeste Holm). Both women blamed Angela for the death of Anna´s husband in a fire. Cass´s brother Damon broke up with Emma while keeping his true identity in secret, Melissa was going to spend time in jail for causing Angela´s car accident, Robin intended to win Cole´s heart (since she already was expecting his baby...) and Richard and Lance were heartbroken when Richard´s stepdaughter Lorraine´s life support system had to be unplugged. A little masterpiece of the cliffhangers, with a little something for everybody...

Junio de 1986: "Falcon Crest" terminaba su cuarto año con uno de los episodios más impactantes, emocionantes y sorprendentes de la historia de las SuperSoaps: Tras encontrar a su marido en los acogedores brazos de su socia Connie Giannini, Maggie iba a casa de Richard y se arrojaba a los de él (igualmente acogedores...), de una forma tan inesperada pero convincente que esa sola escena dio lugar a 3 años más de progresiva y problemática relación entre la mujer y su cuñado. Justo cuando la pareja se besaba, estallaba una bomba (¿colocada por quién...?) que reducía la casa a pedazos...La temporada siguiente averiguamos que Richard se recuperaba rápidamente de sus lesiones y Maggie, bueno, ella sólo tenía amnesia...y no recordaba nada (ni a nadie) en absoluto. En ese mismo final de temporada, Angela saboreaba la ruina de Richard y Chase, pero se enfurecía al saber que Cassandra Wilder era dueña del pagaré que había pedido para poder derrotar a sus rivales, y Cass resultaba ser hija de Anna Rossini (Celeste Holm). Las dos mujeres culpaban a Angela de la muerte del marido de Anna en un incendio. El hermano de Cass, Damon, cortaba con Emma sin revelarle su verdadera identidad, Melissa era enviada a la cárcel por provocar el accidente de coche de Angela, Robin pretendía enamorar a Cole (ya que esperaba su hijo...) y Richard y Lance quedaban destrozados cuando desconectaban el sistema de soporte vital de la hijastra del primero, Lorraine. Una pequeña obra maestra del cliffhanger con algo para todos...

© 2021 Toni Díaz

© Photos and dialogue quotes of "Falcon Crest" copyrighted by Warner and / or their authors.