Helpful Links/Sitios de internet This site provides a treasure trove of listening practice support clips.

Every radio station in every language you could imagine around the world!

A series of authentic discussions (mostly from Spain) covering many different topics. Great for developing your ear but it takes a lot of patience!

News from around the world packaged for Spanish language learners--listening This one is great for hearing different accents and has some supports to help you understand!

Reading Comprehension Practice The "newsela" website has wonderful Spanish articles. You must scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Spanish.

PBS Cultural History of Hispanic Culture This is a series from PBS about the Hispanic/Latino contribution to society. This is the most popular Spanish language TV channel in the US. It offers current events and opportunities to practice listening and watching with themes students will find familiar.

Ser-Estar-Tener-Haber-Hacer This site explains the difference between these five verbs when we want them to mean the same thing!