Unidad 4: Cuando era niño/a o Erase una vez…

Unidad 4: Cuando era niño/a o Erase una vez…

· Estructuras e idioma: The past—primarily imperfect tense with a little bit of preterit

· Estrategias para expresarse: comparing/contrasting, describing events, recounting experiences/events

Esp.2, unidad 4. Apuntes/actividades…

From previous class:

Tarea: 02.03, Martes We’re going back to the past. Before we begin unit 4 (“Back in the day”), I want to revisit some key concepts from Unit 2 and merge in the reflexives we learned about in unit 3. Please review the preterite videos we saw earlier this year. In our next class we will apply pretérito with reflexives. Here they are to help you if you don’t remember…

Sp2 C2B L2 Pret Regulares

Sp2 C2B L4 Pret IRRegulares

Sp2 C3A L3 y L4 Repaso de unos verbos irregulares en pret

Día 52 Jueves, 04.03

Ayer… ¿Quién se bañó ayer por la mañana? ¿Por la noche?

¿Cuántas veces te cepillaste los dientes ayer? Etc.

Preguntas Verbos

¿Quién/Quiénes…? irse lavarse

¿Cuándo…? quedarse secarse

¿A qué hora…? dormirse despertarse

¿Qué…? acostarse levantarse

¿Cuánto/a/os/as…? afeitarse bañarse

¿Dónde…? rasurarse etceterarse…


Tarea: 04.03, Jueves Go back to your mini-speaking project about “La rutina de Juanito.” Write out Juantio’s full routine as if he did it yesterday.

Día 53 Miércoles, 10.03

Class did not go initially as anticipated. Here is an updated lesson:

Whole class: Review past actions with picture verbs

Tarea (10.03): Make a list of 5 things someone in your family might normally do that they did NOT do yesterday. La pregunta es, ¿Qué 5 cosas no hizo una persona en tu familia ayer?

Día 54 Lunes, 15.03

La tarea-La rutina de Juanito

· Small groups. Share your stories. Type them into the group chat. Discuss proper conjugations. Clean them up.

· Full class. Read your corrected stories about Juanito in main chat. Pronunciation practice.

· ¿Más tiempo? Ask comprehension questions based on student stories.

Tarea: 15.03, Lunes Considera tu rutina durante la semana y tu rutina durante el fin de semana. Escribe 2 párrafos. Párrafo #1 es lo que hiciste el lunes pasado y párrafo #2 es lo que hiciste el fin de semana pasado. Ej. El lunes yo me levanté a las 7:00...El fin de semana pasado, me levanté a las 10:30…

Día 55 Miércoles, 17.03

La tarea-El lunes y el fin de semana pasado…

· Small groups. Read your sentences and ask you groupmates directly if they did the same things.

· Ej-El lunes, yo me levanté a las 7:00. ¿Y tú, María? ¿Te levantaste a las siete, también?

· Find out who has the same routines. Create a summary where you report about the whole group.

· Whole class-Report findings. Work on building sentences with many different conjugations.

Tarea: 17.03, Miércoles Video: Simple Spanish Lesson 11. Preterite Tense.


There are spelling and grammar mistakes in this video but it is good practice. Watch and be prepared to create a cartoon story about something that happened in the past. We will do this in our next class.

Día 56 Viernes, 19.03

1. Questions about video (simple Spanish Lesson on Preterite Tense—Review, use Picture Verbs)

2. Small Groups: Find a cartoon strip and create a dialogue to complete it. Try to write about the past. Possible helpful website: “English ESL Comic Worksheets-most downloadable” (51 results). This one can help you write in a dialogue: https://www.canva.com/create/comic-strips/

Tarea: 19.03, Viernes Prepara para una prueba en la siguiente clase para confirmar que entienden bien los conceptos del pretérito. This will be a simulated conversation. To be clear, I haven’t decided if the assessment will count as a grade or not but you will have one and you should be prepared for it to count…

Día 57 Martes, 23.03 (This may become an asynchronous day because of the ACT do-over).

We are at the end of the quarter. I want to give everyone a chance (if class is “synchronous”) to look at grades and re-do an assessment that scored below 70. Here is the plan.


1. If you are happy with your current grade and don’t need to remediate and redo anything… I have created a practice simulated conversation for you all to work on together. The instruction document is imbedded in this link (and the simulated conversation is embedded in the instruction document). The simulated conversation is also embedded here.

Some Students

2. DÍA DE DO-OVERS. The quarter ends on Thursday. Many of you have assessments with grades lower than 70%. Today, if you haven’t already retaken an assessment on it, you can remediate with me in class and then redo the assessment and score up to 70%. I will only accept ONE redo at this late point in the quarter. If you have already submitted one in the past week, please do activity 1 in the breakout groups.

Tarea: 23.03, Martes 1-Video Sp.2 C.4A L1 Vocabulario de la juventud (20:55). I’m so sorry about the

length of the video.

2- Examencito en la siguiente clase para confirmar que entienden bien los conceptos del pretérito. This will be a completion activity (reading and writing).

Día 58 Jueves, 25.03 (This day is now asynchronous. I am getting my 2nd dose of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. The prueba will be when you return from Spring Break).

1. Please log into thisislanguage.com. You can find your log in information from the beginning of the year in the class stream on google classroom (August 28th-Pdf) or in these files: 1B 3B

2. After you have logged into the website, there are three video activities to complete. You will do comprehension and gap fill for all three: video 1186, 1561, and 5014.

3. Your class attendance will be determined by your completion of all three video activities.

Tarea: 25.03, Jueves Are you kidding me? ¡No hay tarea! Vacaciones de primavera…(BUT REMEMBER YOU HAVE AN ASSESSMENT ON THE FIRST DAY BACK)!

Día 59 Viernes, 09.04

1. We will do a quick 5-10 minute review of past actions with picture verbs or I’ll just answer your questions.

2. Examencito sobre actividades en el pasado.

Tarea: Viernes 09.04 Sp.2 C.4A L2 Las conjugaciones del imperfecto (5:13)

Día 60 Martes, 13.04

1. ¿Preguntas sobre el vocabulario? (Tarea de Martes, 23.03)

2. Grupos: Review the video together and pause it from time to time. Create your own personal examples about you, someone in your family, or friend(s). Read the sentences you create to each other. Talk them through and add them to your video notes.

3. Whole Class: Share some of your group examples.

Tarea: Martes, 12.04 Sp.2 C.4A L3 El significado del imperfecto (10:34)***

Día 61 Jueves, 15.04

1. So… What exactly is this “imperfect tense?” Watch this student-made video.

a. Disclaimers: José was a student in the class. Mahi regularly fell asleep in class. Kerry was “swept” one time and went on to earn “Foreign language student of the year.” Josh always had in earbuds and I had to constantly get him to quit listening to music during class.

2. Questions about what you’ve seen in the videos?

3. Grupos de escape: Conversación sobre tu niñez…

a. ¿Tenías animales en tu casa cuando eras niño/a? Yo no tenía mascotas. ☹

b. ¿Tenías una colección de muñecas, carros, etc.? Yo coleccionaba coches de matchbox y juguetes de Star Wars.

c. ¿Montabas en bicicleta? Yo vivía en la naturaleza durante los veranos. Montaba en bicicleta, nadaba todos los días, y pasaba tiempo con mis amigos.

d. ¿Jugabas con amigos o pasabas más tiempo en casa con familia? Yo hacía una combinación de las dos cosas.

e. Etc.

4. Clase Principal: Compartan sobre las personas en sus grupos.

Tarea: Escribe sobre tu niñez. 10 frases mínimo, 10 verbos diferentes (Yo, mi familia y yo, mis papás, etc.)

Día 62 Lunes, 19.04

1. Grupos de escape: Dictation. Read your sentences to your classmates (tarea) and have them type what they hear into the chat. Discuss answers and confirm spelling/understanding.

2. Clase principal: Ser, tener, jugar, gustar. Think back to your life as 10ish year old. Describe yourself and the people that were frequent in your life.

3. Clase principal: Antes de la pandemia…Discuss the routines you had before the life of masks, distancing, and virtual everything…

Tarea: Simulated Conversation.—“De niño/a…

Instructions and guide:

These are general guidelines you can follow when responding to prompts in a simulated conversation.

· DO NOT pause this unless you have permission.

· Complete the conversation in one sitting, and always record it as a video.

· The goal is to respond appropriately to every prompt to make it feel like a natural conversation.

· I do not want to see a conversation that looks “memorized” but I do want it to appear thoughtful.

· It is far better to talk through all of the “blank time” between prompts and just be interrupted by my next response than to have any “awkward wait time.”

o Do NOT continue your sentence when the other speaker resumes. Just stop.

o If you do not fill up the entire space given to record, it could impact your grade but if you are cut off mid-sentence, it will NOT hurt you.

· Your last response should last 20 seconds.

o ALWAYS end the conversation by thanking the person for speaking with you and politely excusing yourself. Por ejemplo, “Gracias por hablar conmigo. Tengo que irme porque mi Mamá me espera afuera, pero quizás hablemos más en otro momento…”

· The format below is a transcript of what I say in the recording and has instructions for how you should respond. I encourage you to listen to the recording WITHOUT reading the transcript first, so you are developing your ear for the language. If you need the additional support though, it is available. Recordings may vary slightly but this is the general transcript since I write my lines first and then record second.

Here is a guide for the simulated conversation

Yo: Hola. Pregunta sobre el pasado…

Estudiante: 15 segundos…Responde y explica porque

Yo: Otra pregunta sobre el pasado…

Estudiante: 20 segundos…Responde con detalles

Yo: Otra pregunta sobre el pasado…

Estudiante: 15 segundos…Responde con detalles

Yo: Comparación al presente…

Estudiante: 15 segundos…Responde con detalles

Yo: Explica/Ofrece evidencia...

Estudiante: 20 segundos…Responde con detalles y despídete

Día 63 Miércoles, 21.04

1. Clase principal: En la casa de nuestros abuelos…

Margarita recuerda cómo, de niña, pasaba tiempo en la casa de sus abuelos. Escribe la forma apropiada del imperfecto de los verbos…

Cuando (ser/estar) 1._____ niña mis hermanos y yo (pasar/pensar) 2._____ tiempo en la casa de nuestros abuelos de vez en cuando. Mi abuela (preparar/participar) 3._____ galletas muy ricas y nosotros las (correr/comer) 4. _____ en el patio. Ella siempre (ofrecernos/obedecer) 5. _____ más galletas. Mi abuelo (estudiarnos/leernos) 6. _____ cuentos y a veces él nos (hacer/escribir) 7. _____ pequeños juguetes de madera (Wood). Mis abuelos no (trabajar/limpiar) 8. _____ y (decir/tener) 9. _____ mucho tiempo para pasar con nosotros. Mis hermanos y yo siempre (regresar/bailar) 10. _____ a casa muy contentos después de estar con nuestros abuelos.

2. Grupos de escape: Use the verbs you DIDN’T use in the previous story to write a story about Pedro’s childhood. It should use él/ella and ellos/ellas instead of yo y nosotros.

3. Clase principal: Share your stories…

Tarea: 1-Los veranos en Chicago…Completa el párrafo con los verbos: ir, ser, y ver.

Cuando _1_ pequeña, me encantaban los veranos. Vivíamos en Chicago donde mi papá y yo _2._ al famoso estadio de béisbol de los Cachorros de Chicago, Wrigley Field. Cada verano nosotros _3_ a nuestros jugadores favoritos, como Sammy Sosa. Mi papá _4._ originalmente de la República Dominicana y por eso él _5._ todos los partidos cuando Sammy jugaba allí. También yo siempre _6._ al lago Michigan con mi familia. ¿Qué más? También nosotros _7._ al cine donde comíamos palomitas y _8._ las películas más populares. Los veranos en Chicago _9._ fantásticos y los recuerdo muy bien.

2- Prueba similar a los párrafos en la siguiente clase…

Día 64 Viernes, 23.04

1. Revisa párrafo.

2. Prueba de imperfecto (escribir/leer)

Tarea: Lee la historia del “grillo y el león.” 1) Busca 10 conjugaciones en el imperfecto. 2) Busca 10 conjugaciones en el pretérito. Now that you have found them, can you explain why each conjugation you found is in preterite versus imperfect? Please do so…

Día 65 Martes, 27.04

1. Clase principal: Preterite vs. Imperfect in “Historia del grillo y el león.” (La tarea). Discussion of Preterite vs. Imperfect.

2. Grupos de escape: Niños de ayer y hoy

a. Primero, lean página 1

b. Segundo, completen actividades en las páginas 2-3.

3. Clase principal: Report. How was it? Any challenges?

Tarea: Level 2 Unit 4 Checklist. Revisa las declaraciones de “I can.” Write two examples for each OR if you CANNOT, write a question for class to learn more about this concept.

Día 66 Jueves, 29.04

1. Clase principal: Unit 4 Checklist. Please share examples and ask any questions about the unit*.

a. *I know we didn’t talk a lot about holidays in Hispanic countries versus in the US. We will do this much more in Unit 5 (Global Awareness).

2. Clase principal: We will do as much of Unit 5 as we can but the year will end before we finish. I will try to hit on the most important parts.

a. Grupos de escape: Realidades p.240-241. Lean las descripciones del nuevo vocabulario y el artículo. What do you think we will be discussing over the next couple of classes?

Tarea: 2 Videos. Make notes clearly for both!

· Esp. 2 C.5A L1 Vocabulario de las noticias (11:26)

· Esp. 2 C.5A L2 Vocabulario de los desastres (6:25)

· These videos can also be found by their titles (along with many others!) on the front page of the Spanish 2 portion of the website: https://sites.google.com/site/spanishmaestrodavid/spanish-2

Más información pronto en Unit 5…