
Supernatural songs

by Bob on September 5, 2008

We went into the Boston Common this day at twilight with bread for the hovering doves who were quite happy to be fed as they tossed and turned the pieces with their beaks in a muted frenzy. Then we saw the squirrels and that they were hungry. So we went and bought some peanuts, returned to the Common and fed them and scattered a bag of unshelled peanuts by tree stumps for them all later in the nocturnal Bostonian mists of glaze.

Then we inadvertently ran into Mel Gibson filming a movie in the Common.

We walked across the Longfellow Bridge to Cambridge. As we got to MIT we spoke of the brilliance of William Butler Yeats.

We especially thought of his late poems. And the sheer intangible intellect and sharpened poetic nail clippings in "Supernatural Songs".

He definitely had poked his head outside the known universe without a spaceship. Something very few people know how to do. Even in Medieval Kabbalistic Spain.

So we remain transfixed and in awe of Yeats even if Frank O'Connor said he didn't understand them.