
Did it online

by Bob on August 2, 2007

More and more we hear these days that some "did it online". That can mean a lot of things, but usually, it might mean filing a medical claim, looking at bank balances, online banking, filling out a tax return, and sundry other things which used to be done in the confidentiality of an company's office or on the telephone.

There is a problem with trusting this online connection despite the security and cryptography used.

But one must get on with modern life so one does dare to trust it all.

It does get a little scary when people say they have visited a foreign city, and what they mean is they took a virtual tour online and they don't have to go there physically becuause they saw it already online.

Now that's really scary. At least for neo-Luddites.

So people seem to watch a DVD at home instead of going to theatres. They see a city online rather than physically go to it. They play football online rather than playing it for real. Oops. I used the word "real". What does it mean anymore ?

So it goes.