
Blondie's Rapture video and Will Barnes

by Bob on January 19, 2007

An old friend and one of the students in Education at the university where I was lecturing and doing research wrote to me recently and said something I hadn't known in all our years of friendship !

He was the choreographer and main dancer (guy in the white hat = Man from Mars) in the 1980 Blondie song and video for "Rapture", the first sort of rap video ! How cool is that ?

Have a look at William Barnes in the Blondie video ... he opens the video and is center stage and the featured dancer. He is in the white top hat and white long tails.

It is excellent !

See the IMDB entry, too, for Will.

And the Wikipedia entry on the song and video:

I am so very proud of Will's work in it ! Way back in 1980 !