
A moment of spiritual clarity

by Bob on December 24, 2007

These are hard times for people, especially spiritual people.

With all that has been going on, with me, and with good people in the world, I have had many doubts recently about worldly and spiritual matters.

Today, some of that was assuaged.

I asked a young lady how it was going. She was poor and afflicted and struggling. She answered "It's hard. For the second year in a row I could not afford to buy presents for my family and children. And that's horrible. So, do you think they will forgive me ?".

I looked into her eyes, and saw kindness and warmth and beauty, and thought in my heart what to answer.

And I said: "They will forgive you. You give them your whole heart and love and your prayers".

She then asked: "Do you think that is enough?".

I thought again and aswered from my heart: "Holiday presents are not forever. Love and prayers are forever".

She looked into my eyes and I felt she was relieved.

She then said to me: "Can I give you a hug?". So we warmly hugged.

And I said "Have a wonderful holiday".

That all made it work. It was a moment, not of simple clarity, but it was a moment which took away all my doubting and anguish, and was a moment of spiritual clarity. We need more of this in our world, this seeming ship of fools we are aboard.