
Cursum perficio

by Bob on August 13, 2007

The brilliant and sensitive actress Marilyn Monroe had some tiles on the walkway to her swimming pool on her estate, and these tiles had written on them: Cursum Perficio.

Marilyn Monroe was under-rated. She was an avid reader and a strong student of the Actor's Studio. She was typecast as the pretty blond much to her creative chagrin, although it paid her well.

But she knew she was treading water.

So, on the path to her swimming pool, "Cursum Perficio" was written. It was the name she gave to her Brentwood, California home. Her last home.

It means "My journey has ended". (more literally, "I finish the course")

Marilyn knew there would be a shorter span to her life than most others. And she indicated that. Also, she knew this would be her last place.

Elton John captured the beautiful spirit of Marilyn in his song tribute to her, "Candle in the Wind".

We should learn many lessons from Marilyn Monroe. Knowing when it's over, and knowing when to get out and move on.