
MySpace pose

by Bob on February 23, 2008

We were listening to a Boston radio station, Jam'n 94.5 (WJMN) on the way in from home to the train station to Boston.

It was the morning drive-time show, and one of the hosts, perhaps Melissa, said something like "Oh yeah. It's like a 'MySpace pose' ..."

I had to think for a second what this meant since I never heard it before. But I could infer what it meant.

It was a reference to these kind of self-indulgent photos where someone takes a photo of himself with a digital camera or cell phone in a mirror.

Generally, they are poor quality and also poorly and awkwardly posed. And you can see the flash going off in the mirror somewhat obfuscating the subject of the self-photo.

The web is full of such pictures. It's a disturbing phenomenon. In many ways it's actually demeaning to the person taking the self-photo.

So, sometimes it can just be a fun photo. Other times, it's a total projection of the person's presence on the web. And these days, that might be tantamount to being in a Parisian fashion show, in terms of self-esteem and ego-involvement.

Welcome to the age of self-everything. It was better when someone took our picture for us. Now we hardly need others.

Or so we think.


quoting from The Urban Dictionary:

1. myspace pose

The pose someone does when taking a photograph of themselves with their webcam for their myspace page. Religiously overused by emos, goths and the like. Clearly you will not be accepted as normal without performing the pose. Instructions on how to create the my space pose:

1. Position or hold your webcam above you so that it is pointed down at you from a high angle.

2. Look up at the camera with your eyes without lifting your head, because otherwise you will not be accepted by your peers if you use your neck.

3. Don't smile. This rule MUST be obeyed. Extra points if you look upset or woeful.

4. Take the photo, then make it black and white on your photo editor.

5. Post it and watch your popularity boom.

Myspace poses can also be found on similar networking sites such as bebo and msn.

I've never been popular on myspace. Maybe if I do the myspace pose I will finally be accepted for who I am.

2. myspace pose

getting a little too much into posing for pictures.ironically on the website myspace, almost every user has this same pose.

Wow! That girl's getting really into that myspace pose!


-eyes looking upward not toward camera

-arm in an awkward position: elbow out, peace sign directed to ones own side of face.

-pucker up lips

Ilse Bing, Self-Portrait, 1931. Not a real MySpace pose,

but close. And about 67 years before MySpace was

invented. And Ms. Bing didn't even have Tom as a first friend.