
On why one is a singleton

by Bob on March 5, 2007

This is a rather banal ecriture. But someone asked me recently why I had never been married in my life since that seems to puzzle many people. So here are some reflections on that. Simple-minded and terribly pedestrian, but true. Or at least I think so.

I never got married because:

1. The girls who loved me and I didn't love them wanted to get married and I didn't want to marry them.

2. My girlfriends who I loved and they didn't love me as much didn't want to get married.

3. My girlfriends who I loved and they loved me -- it is sad ... they moved away to Europe or far away to another part of America.

4. I kept waiting for the perfect woman, who, of course, doesn't exist.

5. I had obligations to my parents ...

6. I don't like non-religious, non-spiritual women, and materialistic-only women. There are too too many of them. A non-virtual plethora shall we say.

7. I was too busy in my career and life to have time enough for my girlfriends.

See how simple life is ?

I do wish I had gotten married. But as Edith Piaf cautioned -- that one should likely not regret anything. Oh well. The fallacy of forward-moving time and progress.