

by Bob on April 26, 2007

One opens a book to a random page, knowing fully well that sages say there is no such thing as opening to a random page, and one sees in the 1958 book "Hellenistic Religions: The Age of Syncretism" by Frederick C. Grant, on page 33 (now that's an auspicious number), quoting:

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Religious Practices and Beliefs


Among the various cult practices, none was more universal than the consultation of the oracles. People in all walks of life consulted them for help with every type of problem. Many of the questions asked reflect the wistful, utterly human character of the problems submitted.

Oracles apparently were no as sacred as the mysteries. The demands of popular religion did not require that a hero with a cult, a shrine, and oracle must have led an exemplary life. ...

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Well, we move right into the modern oracle, the internet search engine. Many people have told me that they ask a search engine questions and it answers them.

That's a bit going out on a limb. But true of society's use of Google, Yahoo, etc.

One can only think of the 1990 song by They Might be Giants, called "Birdhouse in Your Soul". Interesting contradistinction with the Sibyls. Catchy tune, though. And the Sibyl of Cumae did get a bad deal.