
"L’enfer c’est les autres"

by Bob on September 16, 2007

"L'enfer c'est les autres". Hell is other people.

John-Paul Sartre had written that in his 1944 play, "No Exit".

It's an amazing existential point of view. In an air chamber or isolational flotation tank we experience sensory deprivation. Also the seeming lack of anyone else in the universe or multi-verse.

People can complicate an otherwise placated life.

No doubt, Albert Camus would have agreed. He wrote in his essay, "An Absurd Reasoning", that "there is but one truly serious philosophical problem. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy".

And I read last night in a book on walking around the world by foot, called "WorldWalk" by Steven Newman, which was a mixed bag, I did read in it that a Jesuit seminarian said to him that the world now is fragmented and segmented in the worst way. So it is. There seems to be very little common humanity.

Louise Bogan wrote that "in a time lacking in truth and certainty and filled with anguish and despair, no woman should be shamefaced in attempting to give back to the world, through her work, a portion of its lost heart".

And Gary Zukav wrote in his "Seat of the Soul" that "not all forms are physical". A thought for example, is a form. What is a thought formed of ? A thought is energy, or light, that has been shaped by consciousness. There is light and there is the shaping of light by consciousness, This is creation".

Everyone has an id card these days.