
An amazing book on science and art

by Bob on April 13, 2008

I've been reading and re-reading a book. This book is amazing. I don't even know how I got it. But it's glued my mind and soul for a couple of full read in the last days.

"The New Story of Science: how the new cosmology is reshaping our view of mind, art, God, and ourselves" by Robert M. Augros and George N. Stanciu. 1984.

It juxtaposes Science and Art. And how Science is not all it's cracked up to be and how Art is.

There are so many profound quotes in the book from other brilliant people.

To wit, on p. 125:

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"The conflict in the Old Story between the subjective world of mind and the objective world of matter permeates not only modern philosophy but also modern art".

"German expressionist painter Franz Marc, in describing the goal for the art of the future, manifests the artistic problems raised by the Old Story's two worlds: 'Art will free itself from the needs and desires of men. We will no longer paint a forest or a house as we please or as they seem to us, but as they really are.' "

"But how can an artist know an object otherwise than as it appears to his eye or to his imagination or mind? The problem of the 'thing in itself' plagues the modern artist as well as the philosopher".

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I think very highly of this book. It may be considered a bit "New Age" but despite that it had needed to be said. Amazingly in 1984, too.