Modify Rules - 輪簽修訂草案

Bruker NMR實驗室輪簽修訂草案

   實驗室輪簽預定時間為前一天傍晚( 5:30PM(A525), 5:35PM(B662) 開始,



  為維護自己的權益者,可自行將登記表拍照存證 。




 本草案預定於星期一(2016Aug08) 開始實行,實施半年後再視需要予以調整。

Revised Draft for Bruker NMR Laboratory Rotation Sign-Up:

The scheduled sign-up time for the laboratory rotation is set to start the evening before (5:30 PM for A525 and 5:35 PM for B662).

If a participant fails to sign in, the makeup signing time is before noon the next day. After 12:00 PM, no makeup signing is allowed.

To safeguard individual rights, participants are encouraged to take a photo of the sign-up sheet for personal records.

For pre-signed time slots, if an original lab member is more than 5 minutes late (using mobile phone time as the standard, synchronized with computer time connected to the internet), they will lose priority.

During unscheduled time slots, each qualified user can run experiments for 15 minutes. If no one is waiting, they can continue.

This draft is set to be implemented starting Monday (August 8, 2016), and adjustments may be made as needed after six months of implementation.