Charlie Harville

Charlie Harville (1918-2002) was an American TV and radio commentator, journalist, and author.

Races worked on:

1982 World 600 (As pit reporter)

1983 Mason-Dixon 500 (As pit reporter)

1983 World 600 (As pit reporter)

1983 Van Scoy Diamond Mines 500 (As pit reporter)

1983 Like Cola 500 (As pit reporter)

1983 Miller High Life 500 (As pit reporter)

1984 Budweiser 500 (As pit reporter)

1984 World 600 (As pit reporter)

1984 Van Scoy Diamond Mines 500 (As pit reporter)

1985 Wrangler Sanfor-Set 400 (As pit reporter and feature presenter)

1985 Nationwise 500 (As pit reporter)