YouChooose Assignments

What is this? This is an assignment (or 2-3 smaller assignments) to encourage you to find a topic related to Ocean Science that you want to look into on your own and contribute to our class in some way. Each grading term you will be asked to complete a total of 30 points from the list of options provided here. You can come up with an equivalent assignment with a question or topic that interests you so long as you email me a proposal and get it approved before you begin. It is required that you submit at least one 10 point project before the first quarter ends. If you do not, you will forfeit any opportunity to earn extra credit points in this category. For students who go above and beyond the 30 point requirement, there will be maximum of 35 points available. (These spill over to increase your entire grade.)

When complete you will be asked to fill out a self-evaluation that the teacher will evaluate before assigning your points.

Here are some ideas and proposed point values:

Option 1 - Research an Ocean Explorer

Research a person significant to Ocean Science and prepare a PowerPoint presentation to show their contributions, explorations, challenges, etc. You will be awarded points based on depth of information, accuracy, clear presentation of information, finding significance and presenting in a creative way to the class. See me if you are interested and I can help you pick a person. No repeats - so first come first served on the list of explorers. Also, don't limit your definition of "explorer" -- these can also include present day people who play an important role in Ocean Science.

Option 2 - Maintain the freshwater aquarium

This is probably only a single person job - at most split by a pair of students. So for this one it will be the first person to ask me. You will be expected to feed the fish daily, and add de-chlorinated water at least 2x/week. This will also involve cleaning the aquarium.

Option 3 - Volunteer with Nooksack Salmon Enhancement

(or another local non-profit organization related to Ocean Science)

For this, the amount of points earned will be dependent on how many hours you put in with the organization. Some ideas include the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA) or the Marine Life Center.

Link to NSEA's work party calendar.

They have a work party at Maritime Heritage Park (the fish hatchery!) November 11th and one at Squalicum Creek scheduled for December 9th

If you are under 18 you will need to print, sign and take this paperwork with you!

Option 4 - Peer tutor

Please talk to me ASAP if you are interested in doing this. I'm looking for a couple students in each class that could serve as a peer tutor to help other students in class or outside of class. For example, if you are ahead of the class on completing an assignment you could then be available to help other students. It is important that you are not giving students answers but rather you would be helping them figure out how to do the work for themselves. You can also explain concepts to them but you should never be doing their work for them. Often teaching another person is the best way to deeply learn the material!

Option 5 - Video --Write questions and answers!

Choose any of the videos from this list (more to come) and pretend you are the teacher writing questions for the science content in the video. There isn't a limit or minimum questions required but points will be awarded for high quality questions. You must write an answer key to go with your questions. Questions turned in without answers will not receive any credit! See the questions I've given you for our hurricane movie and history of earth video.

Hurricane Katrina NOVA video:

FISH VIDEO (for 8th period only) - Go to Netflix and find the "Life" series from the BBC. FInd the episode titled "FISH" and write your questions and answers for each fish mentioned in the video.

The Incredible Glowing Creatures of the Deep Sea : Documentary on Bioluminescent Sea Life

Your Inner Fish (VERY COOL - compares our anatomy to our fish relatives) -

Available on PBS:

Salmon Confidential Documentary - about salmon farming in BC:

Inside Nature's Giants - The Fin Whale:

OPTION 6 - Family Field trip to an Aquarium

Talk your family into going to Seattle or Vancouver for a day at the aquarium. Read some of the informative signs and write down about 12 detailed facts that you learned while you were there! (Or if you've never been the Marine Life Center down at the harbor in Bellingham you can go there, too!)


Go the craft store (with your 50% off coupon of course) and get an 8x10 canvas. Find an interesting fish on the internet and read about it. Then paint it as accurately as possible. Type up a caption describing your fish and its special adaptationhs. Include your name. We will start a museum!

OPTION 8- Reading Summary with Evidence

Read one of the following articles (or find your own and email me the link for pre-approval) . Summarize the main idea(s) and the. Give specific, supporting details to support the big idea and demonstrate your understanding of the entire article. Be sure you are writing this in your own words. Be sure to proof-read.

Here is one about long-lining and a new finding: (About 7 points as it is short)