Unit 3 -Fish & Sustainable fisheries & Aquaculture

The Unit 3 Exam will be Thursday, January 4th. See below for the learning targets addressed on the exam.

Quizlet Review for UNIT 3 EXAM- made by Haley M. for her YouChoose- Practice this a bunch if you are wanting to improve your grade on the final!!!


Learning objective #1: Describe the external anatomy of a salmon. http://spsseg.org/salmon-anatomy/

Name the different types of fins and state their different functions (balance, propulsion, steering).

Locate and describe the structures and functions of the following: nares (nostril), operculum (gill cover), gills, gill rakers, gill arch, scales, lateral line, and vent.

#2: Describe how the structures of a salmon's internal anatomy are adapted to perform a specific function:


gills, gill rakers, gill arch, swim bladder, heart, testes, pyloric caeca, kidney, intestine.

We conducted a salmon dissection for this learning target. We also watched this video of a dissection in class in case you did not get your head and hands in on the dissection.

#3 - Name the five species of Pacific Salmon and identify them in the spawning phase.

I will use this picture on the test! You will be asked to recall their names! 10 points available on test if you can give them 2 names. Bonus point if you learn the scientific name of Chinook salmon.

#4 - Describe the four groups of vertebrates and their general characteristics. (See Ch. 12 of textbook Marine Fishes and our guided notes on this chapter if you missed the lecture you should read the chapter from the online textbook) - protochordates, jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, and bony fish. (Most test questions will be on cartilaginous fish and bony fish - only 2-4 from the other two groups.)

Vocabulary terms to know: notochord, hollow dorsal nerve cord, cartilage, gill slits, spiracles, placoid scales, ampullae of Lorenzini, clasper

Cartilaginous Fish -- The video shown in class. If you were absent, please find this on YouTube, watch, and answer the questions in your journal.

Inside Nature’s Giants – The Great White Shark

Questions for your journal:

    1. Describe the flow of water over the gills and the blood flow within the gills.

    2. How did the jaw evolve from jawless fish?

    3. Describe the sensory organ unique to sharks?

    4. Describe 2-3 features that help sharks ‘float’ - maintain their buoyancy:

    5. Explain the different role of red muscles and white muscles.

        1. How do muscles relate to sharks being ‘warm-blooded’ – endotherms?

#5 Describe fish respiration and circulation including the roles of gills, arteries, veins and capillaries.


If you missed this lab watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St9cWhCnXR0

COUNTERCURRENT EXCHANGE IN FISH GILLS: Write a 3-4 sentence paragraph with your fish lab to explain the countercurrent exchange in the fills.

#6 Describe how fish populations are estimated and list some challenges to these methods.

See me (or email me) for PowerPoint notes - website is too full. Maybe 1 question on the final exam is all...

#7 Describe how to use a salmon scale to estimate the age of a salmon. Include the following terms: annuli, circuli.

#8 Describe threats to ocean fish populations including how the following fishing vessels work and the risks (if any) to other fish or wildlife they pose: long-lining, trawling, purse seiner, gill nets.

(Tuesday Dec 12)

See me (or email me) for PowerPoint notes - website is too full. :(

Can you identify these 4 types of fishing vessels?

Video clips showing how fishing vessels work:

Purse seine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JUKvrfaslM&t=2s

Long-lining https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzkdXFh7N6A

Trawling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnmGbDN278Y

Gill net https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLtknnZunrE

•Dredging: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgD0oOf58m8

•Traps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTlwIIHYs7k

#8 Describe aquaculture practices that are harmful and those that are more sustainable.

Questions for final exam:

For each of the following, be able to answer which is better and explain why?

...raising herbivores or carnivores?

...increasing the density of fish or lowering the density of fish in cages?

.... raising near native similar species or raising them away from similar native species?

...open ocean pens or inland pens?

...vaccines or antibiotics?

This learning target will be assessed with a written essay on your exam. You may take a page of notes to use while you write your essay - but please don't write the essay in advance. You will turn in the page of notes with the test. You will not get the essay portion until you finish the first half of the test. This test is the Unit Exam on January 4th! You may use notes taken from the videos, your textbook, and The Blue Food Revolution article from Scientific American.

Take notes in your journal in these three columns: Video link: Can the Oceans Keep Up with the Hunt?


Problems leading to


Problems with

Aquaculture practices


aquaculture practices

Strange Days on Planet Earth - FIsh farming & Aquapods --- we started at 40:00 in class (you are welcome to watch the whole thing!)


Tuesday - January 2nd --- Continue reading the BLUE FOOD REVOLUTION & preparing notes page & Review for


Thursday - Jan 4th --- UNIT 3 EXAM