Home School

I'm just getting started on this and my external hard drive broke so I'll have to go up to school to load my old files.

For now - watch about how we evolved to have such good color vision:

This excerpt comes from Your Inner Monkey (see below). If you enjoyed that, then check out the entire series. This is one of my favorite --I think comparative anatomy is so fascinating. Take notes in the form of questions and answers! These are also available on Amazon Prime (I believe).

Your Inner Fish


Your Inner Reptile


Your Inner Monkey


My Future Lectures

If you prefer to learn the body systems we will not have time to cover, I plan to post video lectures of each one below. If you all aren't bored to tears, I'd happily make some review worksheets that go with them. I'm still trying to think of "activities" that you can do at home with household materials. I don't want to leave you all looking for things to do, so please choose either the videos above or the lectures below to hold you over until I can put some more thought out lessons. I'm kind of hoping they'll give permission to teach new material. There is still a lot to work out...


I started with the cardiovascular system because my thought is that if we go back to school, we will just spend some time learning the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and urinary-- just enough to do the dissections (if we have gloves and goggles).

1. Cardiovascular System 1 -https://youtu.be/rIZdmF_DQD8

2. Cardiovascular System 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzN34ksd-TM

I need to redo Video 3 -- I was using the wrong PP when I made it and it didn't include heart disease. Stay tuned.


Great video showing how viruses work and how COVID 19 can turn to pneumonia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DGwOJXSxqg

Another great video describing fast versus slow pandemic and your social responsibility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtN-goy9V

I'm only 20 minutes into this one but I can tell it is a really great comprehensive tutorial about the pandemic. Save this one until I have taught you the respiratory system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWzbArPgo-o