Unit 2 - Ocean Geography (& Water Quality Lab)

Just added video for Semester final review:


Learning Objective #1: Find the major oceans and continents on a 2d map or a globe.

Learning Objective #2: Use a string and the equator to determine the distance between two points. (not on final)

Learning Objective #3: Use latitude and longitude coordinates (in degrees, minutes and seconds) to locate yourself on a nautical chart.

Here's a resource for this: http://www.learner.org/jnorth/tm/LongitudeIntro.html

Learning Objective #4: Identify some of the major features on a nautical chart that would be important for navigating the oceans.

success criteria: Describe what each of the following represents on a nautical chart: the different colors, the small numbers, the lines of latitude, the lines of longitude, minutes vs degrees, purple lines, contour lines on land, warning signs.

Resource with a couple explanations: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/sounding.html

Bellingham Bay Nautical Chart: http://www.charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/18424.shtml

Learning Objective #5: Explain the cause of the seasons, how that effects daylight hours and how sunlight changes at different latitudes (including an explanation of the equinox and solstices).


Learning Objective #6: State the latitude or longitude of the following features of the globe: equator, prime meridian, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle and explain how they are related to Earth's tilt and the seasons.


Learning Objective: #6: Use the sun (and a watch) to determine your main latitude and longitude coordinates

I don't recommend going to the internet for help with this topic --it can get WAY more complicated. Let's keep it simple --that's challenging enough! Also, I apologize it is horizontal...rumor has it you can lock your cell phone screen so it isn't upside down. I'll know for next time! (This is not a high quality video but a desperate moment for me with so many people absent lately!)

Latitude and Longitude practice problem:

The sun is 52 degrees above the horizon in the North on June 21st (make sure you know this is the summer solstice!).

And It is midnight on the Prime Meridian.

A. What is your latitude and longitude?

B. What Island nation are you near? (you won't have to do this part on the final but its good practice)

Try this problem (check a globe for the island) and see below to check your answer and make sure you solved it correctly.

IF you understand each step you should be in good shape!

Determine longitude: you can skip to about 3:45 and start there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7yoXhbOQ3Y


For Nautical Chart Activity:


Use this link to make your own quiz. Remember that you need to also write the answer key to earn a passing grade!

Pick a fun or new location. You don't have to pick somewhere you've been as it would be just as cool to pick a place you want to go!


Note: Once you click on your chart, find the little button on the right that says "view" and click on that!

Use your Snipping Tool to cut out images to use for your test!

Class data for E.coli lab:


•Sun is 52o above the horizon to the North on June 21st.

•90-52 = 38 degrees

•Sun is north so we are south

•Adjust latitude for summer solstice –shifted 23.5 N and we are south so subtract 23.5

•38 – 23.5 = 14.5 degrees South

•It is midnight on the Prime Meridian.

•It is noon where we are so we are 12 hours apart (half way around the world)

•12 hours x 15 degrees/hour = 180 degrees

•International date line!

•What is your latitude and longitude?

•14. 5 degrees S and 180 degrees W

•What Island nation are you near?

•Near West Samoa Islands!