Unit 3 Waves and Electron Shells


Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that the very act of measuring an electron would interfere with its velocity so you can't tell an electrons position and velocity at the same time.

The principle contributes to our understanding of the electron orbitals as probability


The visible spectrum - white light is the presence of all light in the visible spectrum which can be seen when light is separated through a prism.

Podcast on color. Draw Newton's experiment! Write a one sentence conclusion from it.


When electrons absorb energy from electricity, they move up energy levels. Soon that energy is converted to light when the electron falls back down to its ground (or resting) state.

This changing of energy levels is what gives each element a unique spectrum of light. The more energy levels the electron falls, the more energy is released. More energy, in turn, is expressed as a greater frequency (and correspondingly a shorter wavelenth. So in terms of visible light, red light represents a short fall in energy levels while violet light is a much greater fall. Here is Hydrogen's spectrum:

Here is what we saw when we viewed Hydrogen in the glass tube.


Watch this video that describes how electrons fill their orbitals and sublevels!

Electron Configurations:

Learning Objectives for Exam:

    • Write electron configurations for any element on the periodic table using shorthand (with last noble gas), longhand, or box notation. Use any of these notations to determine an unknown element.

    • Understand the principles by which electrons fill and be familiar with each of the following: Hund's law, Pauli Exclusion Principle, and the Aufbau principle.

    • Describe the relationship between the bright-line spectra and the energy given off by an atom.

    • Calculate the frequency of a wave when given the wavelength and speed of light constant. (Or calculate the wavelength if given frequency.) c = wavelength x f

    • Calculate the energy of a wave when given the frequency and Planck's constant. E = h x f

    • Describe the quantum mechanical model of the atom today.