
What is this? This is an assignment to encourage you to find a topic related to A&P that you want to look into on your own and share your findings with the class. Each grading term (semester) you will be asked to complete a total of 30 points from the list of options provided here. You can come up with an equivalent assignment with a question or topic that interests you so long as you email me a proposal and get it approved before you begin. It is required that you submit at least one project before the first quarter ends. If you do not, you will forfeit any opportunity to earn extra credit points in this category. For students who go above and beyond the 30 point requirement, there will be maximum of 35 points available. (These spill over to increase your entire grade.)


OPTION 1--Body System Art

Find recyclable materials around your house or at school that you can use to build a 3-D body system. PIck one of the major body systems - preferably one you are less familiar with. Make organs to represent that body system. They should be somewhat accurate in terms of size and shape --or at least someone should be able to recognize what they are. Label the different organs that make up that system. Picture this going on the classroom wall -- it shouldn't be too large as I would like to build a complete collection of each body system.

Option 2: Disease Presentation

Research a disease of our current unit and report findings to the class in a brief powerpoint (with mostly pictures and you explaining - 3-5 mins max). Research should be presented within 2 class periods of the test for that unit.

Presentation must be clearly explained to students demonstrating your understanding. New vocabulary terms must be well explained. You should be able to speak freely rather than reading slides from a PowerPoint. Higher score available for actively involving the audience through questioning, checks for understanding, or making connections to class.

Point Value: Up to 10 points depending on depth of research and amount of work put into presentation.

Some topics to search from the WHO:

Food borne diseases:


OPTION 3 - ANIMAL AUTOPSY or other Videos

Watch one of these amazing videos online and write your own questions and answers to demonstrate the information you gathered from the video. (Pretend you are the teacher writing meaningful questions for the A&P class - be sure to make your answer key!) Grade will be given based on quantity of questions, challenge level of questions, accuracy of answers, full coverage of the video, etc. (Additional point) - Take a screenshot picture or two while watching and write a caption explaining something(s) you found most interesting about a difference between that animal and the same structure found in humans.

Point value: 10-11 points available

Watch this one on the camel! It connects well to what we have learned about temperature regulation! (you may have to give PBS your email to watch episodes)

Girl with hemispherectomy:

Microbiome Video- learn more about the organisms living on your body. Focus on giving specific names of organisms and their role in the body! First ten minutes are great for anyone interested in dentistry! Write questions and answers as described above!

OPTION 4: Article Summary

Write a 2-3 paragraphs highlighting the big ideas of the article and supporting it with specific facts or evidence from the article. (Clearly show you read and understand the entire article!) It is recommended you get an article from me outside of class time and make a copy in the library. If you choose your own article please email it to me in advance for approval and point value.

Point Value: Variable but up to 10 points for lengthy articles.

Evolution of Diabetes Reading:

OPTION 5 - #Iseeanatomyeverywhere - Instagram posts

This will be an ongoing assignment where you make at least 5 posts using the hashtag above. They should be a picture of something that reminds you of content we have learned in A&P. You should mention what that is and make a statement or two that demonstrates your understanding of this. For example, I took a picture of the one granite tile in my shower that makes me think of adipose tissue every time I see it. My post would might say, "This shower tile reminds me of Adipose tissue - the big circles look like the fat vacuoles. I don't see any nuclei, however." Get clever, it's fun!

Point Value: Filler points. About 1 point per post if it demonstrates a connection to content in class.

OPTION 6 - Job Shadow

Complete a job shadow of someone working in a field that requires some A&P background. Write a reflection of what you did while you were there and what you learned. You would have to set this up but I can help you with this if you see me outside of class. Try to pick something you are less familiar with - or even one you don't think you would normally consider. Some ideas: pathologist, histologist, phlebotomist, x-ray technician, ultrasound technician, radiologist, etc.

OPTION 7 -- Inside Cancer Webquest

This is an assignment I made for the Inside Cancer website that allows you to gain a better understanding of cancer as a disease. It explains cancer from a cellular level and has a lot of information about prevention. See me for a copy of the questions.


Come in and paint one of the tissues we studied on canvas! Then write a caption to put under it describing the characteristics of that tissue type and where it is found in the body (similar to the notes you took for your journal - just written in paragraph form here like in a museum).

Tell me you are interested and tell me a day you can come and I will get the supplies!

OPTION 9 - WRITE A QUIZ (OR QUIZLET - that I can share with other students)

Play teacher for an evening and pretend to write an exam or long quiz for the skeletal system. Have a variety of questions - multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, short explanation, picture labeling, etc. Also make a separate answer key. There needs to be multiple pictures included - for example, 1 picture question for every three other questions. Talk another friend into doing one of their own and then trade your quizzes and take each other's quizzes for some additional points. The points will be awarded on how thoughtful the questions are. If they are all exact replicas from my worksheet they won't be quite as valuable as if you think of a new way to ask a similar question. This will help you on your test, too, so it's a good one to do over the break!

Make sure you include an answer key with your test.

OPTION 10 - Barbie and Ken's Joint Movements

These ideas come when it's 5:30pm and your teacher is still at work...ugh. But I thought this would be kind of funny. Find a Barbie doll or a realistic doll of some sort. Make a short YouTube or Vimeo video showing all the joints and joint movements these dolls have or are capable of. You can include your own body movements for the ones Barbie can't do. I can imagine there are a lot of ways to make this really funny. Just a reminder to keep it school appropriate. Send me the link! Try to do this one before the test so you get a double pay-out for it (it will help you ace those questions on the test).

OPTION 11--- Create a personal medical folder.

Get a three ring binder and put together the following. Many of these items are attached below - if not email me for them.

    • family pedigree (like you maybe did in Biology -see me about this) & family medical history questionnaire

    • vaccine records (you need these to get into school and for many jobs)

Other things that might be helpful include informational printouts of any health issues you've encountered or that run in your family, copies of your parents insurance card (b/c you get to stay on until you are 25 --lucky!), and copies/lists of prescriptions you've taken. Again, all medical information will be kept private from me --you are just showing me that you put in in a binder. The only thing I will check for specifically are the pedigrees and the vaccine records.

OPTION 12 --Can you think of something related to A&P that you would like to do? Email me your idea!!!