Unit 1-Intro Anatomical Terms, Homeostasis & Disease Intro

Learning Objective #1: Name each of the body systems, its major organs and its major functions.

Assessment: You will be given a list of the body systems to choose from, a list of organs and a list of single functions. You will need to match the organs and functions with the correct body system.

Assignment #1: See your workbook! This is a pre-assessment to see what you know before we start.

VIDEO 1: Watch this video (maybe 2-3 times if necessary!) to get an overview of the body systems:

VIDEO 2: If you would like to watch one that moves a little slower watch the amoeba's sister:


Organs to know: (try to learn their general location now but you will only be tested on which body system mostly claims them!)

Functions should include:

  1. controls response to environment

  2. Exchanges gases with body cells

  3. Exchanges gases with outside environment

  4. provides framework for body

  5. detects changes in one's environment

  6. controls body's response to stress

  7. controls metabolism and growth

  8. provides immunity

  9. allows for movement of the body

  10. delivery of nutrients to body cells

  11. protects vital organs

  12. protection from the environment

  13. fights foreign invaders

  14. breakdown of food

  15. filtering of blood to form urine

  16. Removes waste products from the blood

  17. Produces heat

  18. Aids in making new organisms

  19. Regulates blood volume and pH

  20. Maintains water & electrolyte balance

  21. Prevents excess water loss

Learning Object #2: Name the major planes, body cavities and directional terms used to map the human body.

A very thorough explanation with practice quiz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7WXfp35FWk

Body planes: Body cavities:

Directional Terms:

Extension for LO#2 - Learn more body regions using this practice quiz. It does not instruct you but it does not let you go forward unless you are right so you end up learning them with some practice and guessing. https://www.wisc-online.com/learn/general-education/anatomy-and-physiology1/ap15405/anatomical-terminology-body-regions

LEARNING OBJECTIVE #3: Describe and/or identify the components of feedback systems and how they are used to maintain homeostasis.

    • Be able to describe these 2 examples in great detail: blood glucose homeostasis, body temperature homeostasis.

    • pH -- describe the source of acids, the normal pH of the blood, and the 3 ways the body responds to changes in pH.

    • Describe the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in terms of cause, symptoms, characteristics and treatment - Video to describe the difference between Type 1 and Type 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfyGv-xwjlI

Vocabulary to know for homeostasis Quiz:

Learning Objective # 5 --We are skipping this for 2019-2020 due to time. :(

Describe the role of vaccines versus antibiotics including the types of organisms they are effective against. (Describe the discovery of each of these medical "technologies")

Here is a link to the NIH article for 9/26 -


Rx for Survival video links: (videos shown in class)

Disease warriors: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rx+for+survival+disease+warriors

Rise of the Superbugs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxhlQZvPzs0&t=91s

Learning Objective #6- We are skipping this for 2019-2020 due to time. :(

Describe the role of antigens and antibodies in finding compatible donor blood. Explain the process of agglutination - how it occurs and when it would occur. Interpret lab results from a basic blood test for the ABO and Rh blood groups.

What blood type is this below? Explain how you know and what is happening in each well.

Below: This is what a real blood typing card looks like. Why do you suppose they use a control? What type of blood does this person have and how can you tell? Can you name the antigens they would have on their RBCs and the antibodies you would find in their plasma or serum?

You Choose Assignments for this unit:

Evolution of Diabetes Reading: www.nytimes.com/2005/05/17/health/new-theory-places-origin-of-diabetes-in-an-age-of-icy-hardships.html