
Welcome to my science website. I will be building this through-out the year so please be patient if there are days when it is not updated. Please feel free to email me if you find a resource that would be helpful to share with others. I will gladly post it on my site.

Click on your class from the sidebar to the left!

Here are some of my general classroom policies:

    • Be respectful.

    • Be kind.

    • Be open-minded.

Here is my bathroom policy:


(This is a joke. You can use the bathroom but not in the first or last 10 minutes of class please.)

Selective Attention Test



Welcome to my Science Website! What a crazy year this has been! The 2020-2021 will be my 5th year at SQHS. I have also taught in Nashville, Buenos Aires, and Mount Vernon. This will be my 15th year of classroom teaching. I was also an Environmental Educator for a year with Americorp after graduating from college and I worked for many years as an undergraduate with the Snow Goose Marine Science program.

I grew up in Olympia, WA the youngest of five kids - sort of shared the baby position with my twin. I enjoy spending time outside - especially on the water and on my bike. I have two awesome dogs and a two year old at home. My spouse is a firefighter in Kirkland - sometimes he's home, too. ;)

My teaching philosophy:

I feel my primary role as a teacher is to facilitate and inspire life-long learning in my students. Learning can come in many ways and each student's experience is unique. I encourage students to come with an open mind, a willingness to work hard, and an awareness of how they will measure their own success.

I really enjoy learning about students' ideas in science and watching them deepen and morph throughout the year. I strive to focus on topics that are relevant to our lives and necessary to be informed citizens. As with life, a student should expect to get out of my class what they are willing to put in. Ask questions! Be curious about the world around you! Wonder why, and appreciate that we don't have all the answers. (Well...the internet does have a lot of them, though!) What a fun time in history to be a student (and a teacher)!