
Survey of US History Since 1877

HST 122: Missouri State University-Duel Credit at Strafford H.S.

Gregory L. Baker

Strafford High School: Room 20

Phone: 736-5000 ext. 1420


Conference Period: 5th Hour 12:25-1:15

Course Description: This course is a duel-credit course for three credit hours. Course catalog description is modernization of the United States and its role in world affairs from late 19th Century to present, with emphasis on industrialization urbanization and their impact on socioeconomic and international developments.

Course Objectives: HST 122 is a freshman course, which partially satisfies requirements of the Public Affairs section of the General Education Program. The goal in offering American History is to teach:

  1. to develop critical thinking skills in relation to historical developments;

  1. the diversity and appreciation of native and immigrant cultural values, gender, race and class differences as the foundation for advancing the University’s Public Affairs Mission;

  1. how present institutions and situations have developed from the past;

  1. knowledge of the political, social, economic, cultural, and diplomatic developments that contributed to the development of the United States

  1. ability to express ideas, concepts and conclusions, in a well organized essay

Required Texts:

Henretta, James, etc el. America’s History. 6th Edition. New York & Boston: Bedford/St.Martins, 2004.

Test and Grading: Your grade will consist of Unit Exams, Historical presentations, and various assignments. In addition you will have quizzes on the assigned readings and one research paper.

Unit Exams 50%



Oral History Paper-5%


Grading scale: A=90-100; B=80-89; C=70-79; D=60-69; F=59 and below.

Attendance and make-up policy: Attendance will be taken according to the Strafford handbook. If you are going to miss a test (for an excused school absence) you must make arrangements with me to make-up. All make homework is due on the date assigned by 3:00 pm. If you miss school on the date an assignment is due you must make arrangements for it to be turned in. No late work will be accepted.

Academic Dishonesty: Any student participating in any for of academic dishonesty will be subject to sanctions as described in the MSU student handbook. Also on the web-site.

Disability Accommodation: To request accommodations for disability, students must contact Disability Service (

Nondiscrimination: MSU nondiscrimination policy can be found at

Course Schedule: