Notes-1 & 2

The Creation of American Society 1450-1775, Part I.

Worlds Collide: Europe, Africa, and America 1450-1620

Native American Worlds

I. Origins

II. Cultural Foundations

III. Mesoamerica-Mayas and Aztecs

A. Mayans-Yucatan Peninsula (900 BC-800 AD)

B. Aztecs

IV. Tribal Setting in 1500

A. Numbers

B. Eastern Province

1. Algonquian

2. Iroquoian

1. League of 5 nations

2. Cherokee

C. Muskhogean

D. Siouan

Traditional European Society in 1450

I. Peasantry

II. Hierarchy and Authority

A. Kings and Noblemen

B. Family

C. Primogeniture

III. Religion

A. Roman Catholic Church

B. Christian Knights

C. Crusades (1096-1291)

Europe Encounters Africa and the Americas, 1450-1550

I. The Renaissance

A. “rebirth”

B. Civic Humanism

C. Artistic expression

D. The Prince(1513) Machiavelli & Monarchy

E. Portugal-Prince Henry(1394-1460)

II. West African Society and Slavery

A. Agrarian-traders

B. Princes

C. Secret Societies

D. Religion

E. Impact of Europeans

F. Slave Trade

III. Europe reaches the Americas

A. Bartholomew Dias (1488) & Vasco De Gama (1498) (1502)

B. Spain

1. Ferdinand & Isabella (Hapsburgs)

a. Reconquista

b. Inquisition

2. Columbus (1492) “Las Indias”

IV. The Spanish Conquest

A. Conquistadors

1. Juan Ponce de Leon (1513)

2. de Balboa (1513)

B. Fall of the Aztecs and Incas

1. Hernan Cortes (1519)

2. Aztecs

3. Mayans

4. Francisco Pizarro (1524)

C. Legacy of the Conquest

1. Population

2. Bureaucratic Empire

3. Encomiendas

4. Columbian Exchange

5. Mestizo

Protestant Reformation and the Rise of England

I. The Protestant Movement

A. The Catholic Church Institution

B. Martin Luther (1517) Germany

1. Ninety-Five Theses

2. Excommunicated (Holy Roman Empire)

C. John Calvin (Geneva)

D. Protestantism in England

1. King Henry VIII (1509-1547)

2. Church of England (1534)

3. Queen Elizabeth I. (1588-1603)

a. Grace & Communion

b. Knox-Scotland (presbyters)

c. Puritans

II. Dutch and English Challenge Spain

A. King Phillip II (1556-1598)

B. Dutch Republic (1581)

C. Spanish Armada (1588)

D. Results

III. Social Causes of English Colonization

A. Economic and Religious conflict

B. Decline of the Nobility

1. Price Revolution

2. Gentry and yeomen

3. House of Lords vs. House of Commons

C. Dispossession of the Peasantry

1. Enclosure acts

2. Crop Failures and poverty

The Creation of American Society 1450-1775, Part II.

The Invasion and Settlement of North America, 1550-1770

Imperial Conflicts and Rival Colonial Models

I. New Spain

A. Requerimiento

B. Encomienda (1512)

C. Coronado (1540-42)

D. De Soto (1539-43)

II. Threats to the Empire

A. St. Augustine (1565)

B. Comprehensive Orders for New Discoveries (1573)

1. Mission System

2. Ornate (1598 & 1604-05)

3. repartimiento (1600)

4. Santa Fe (1610)

C. Pope (1680)

D. De Vargas (1691)

III. New France

A. Cartier (1530)

B. Champlain-Quebec (1608)

C. Marquette (1673) & La Salle (1681)

D. Settlement

E. French and the Indians

1. The Noble Savage

2. Coureurs de bois

3. Black Robes

4. Huron vs. Iroquois (1640s)

5. Chickasaws

IV. New Netherlands

A. Dutch East Indian Company

1. Henry Hudson (1609)

2. Fort Orange

B. Dutch West India Company (1621)

1. New Amsterdam 1625

2. Anglo-Dutch War (1664)

V. First English Settlement

A. Landed Gentry

B. English Merchants

1. Joint Stock Companies

2. King James I –Virginia (1606)

C. Jamestown (1607)

1. John Smith and the Settlers

2. Powhatan Confederacy

3. John Rolfe-tobacco

D. Virginia Company

1. Headright

2. House of Burgesses (1619)

3. Opechancanough (1622)

The Chesapeake Experience

I. Royal Colony (1624) Virginia

A. Royal Governor & Privy council

B. Church of England

II. Maryland

A. Lord Baltimore (1634)

B. Toleration Act (1649)

III. Tobacco in the colonies

IV. Settlers

A. Indentured Servants

B. African Americans

V. Social Revolt

VI. Bacon’s Rebellion (1675-1676)

Puritan New England

I. Puritan migration

A. settlers

B. Mayflower (1620)

C. Mayflower compact

D. Plymouth colony

E. Massachusetts Bay (1630)

F. Government

II. Religion and Society 1630-1670

A. Church structure

B. Predestination

1. “conversion experience”

2. “preparation”

3. “covenant”

B. Puritan heretics

C. English Civil War (1642-1660)

IV. Puritan Witchcraft Trials

A. Supernatural Forces

B. Salem, Massachusetts (1692)

V. A Yeomen Society 1630-1700

A. fee-simple land distribution

B. Town Meetings

C. Division of Property

VI. The Indians New World

A. Pequot War (1636)

B. Metacom’s Rebellion (1675-76) (King Phillip’s War)

C. Fur Trade and Inland Peoples

-Iroquois Confederacy-Mohawk, Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida, and Cayuga