
The Vietnam War

I. French Vietnam (WWII)

A. French Indochina-(1883) Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos

B. Ho Chi Minh-(a Communist leader styled after Stalin)-#

II. French Indochina war 1946-54

A. Vietminh-Communist resistance to French occupation

B. After 1949, the US stepped up support for the French

C. Domino theory-#

D. guerilla tactics (hit and run maneuvers)

E. Dien Bien Phu-#

F. Geneva Accords-#

III. A Divided Country

A. Rival Governments

1. North Vietnam

· Ho Chi Minh

2. South Vietnam

· President Diem

B. Resistance Grows to Diem’s government

1. National Liberation Front (NLF)-an organization dedicated to fighting Diem’ government, (political arm) relied on the Vietcong.

2. Vietcong (VC)-#

3. North Vietnamese Army- (NVA)

4. Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN)-S. Vietnam’s army began fighting the VC.

C. Strategic Hamlets-#

D. Buddhist Protests-Monks protested against Diem government banning Buddhist flags

E. Diem assassinated- (11/1/63) Vietnamese Army generals with US approval

IV. The War Escalates

A. USS Maddox & Turner Joy-attacked off the coast of N.Vietnam (8/2-4/64)

B. Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution-(8/7/64)-#

C. Ho Chi Minh trail-#

V. The Air War( 1964-1968)

A. Rolling Thunder-(March 65)-#

B. Types of Bombings

1. Agent Orange-#

2. Napalm-#

VI. The Ground War 65-67

A. 1st Combat Troops-March 8, 1965-Marines landed at Da Nang to protect the air base

B. General Westmoreland-Commander of US forces in Vietnam(MACV)

C. US forces gradually increased from 65-68 (Army-II-IV Corps-Marines-I Corps-Navy-Amphibious support, and River Raids)

D. Search and Destroy Missions-#

E. Major Operations (65-68)-See Hand out

F. Attrition-#

G. Nature of Combat-technology

H. Pacification-#

I. Credibility Gap-#

VII. Khe Sanh and TET offensive-1968.

A. Khe Sanh-handout

B. NVA planned all out offensive during

1. General uprising

2. Overthrow government in South

C. Saigon-Embassy

1. Saigon Execution Photo

2. Cronkite moment

D. Hue city-(NVA massacred civilians) Marines fought several days of fierce urban warfare to destroy the enemy

E. Major military defeat for VC & NVA ½ of forces destroyed

F. After Tet many US politicians said the war could not be won (turning point)

VIII. The last years 69-75

A. Politics at Home (68-75)

1. 1968 Presidential Election

a. Republican-Nixon “Peace with honor” –Trianglization

b. Democrat-Herbert Humphrey(RFK assassinated)

c. independent-George Wallace-Segregationist

2. Major protest (1970)

a. Kent State-#

b. My lai Massacre(68)-#

B. Repeal of Tonkin Resolution-70

C. Pentagon Papers(71)-#

D. War Powers Act-#

E. Vietnam (reduction of troops)

1. Vietnamization-#

2. Major Operations/battles 69-73-See hand out

F. Paris Peace Accords-January 27, 1973-#

G. Fall of Saigon (4/30/75)-Capital collapses after 1974 NVA offensive, US evacuates many by helicopter from embassy

IV. Vietnam myths and Television

A. Body Counts-Enemy killed & US troops reported daily

B. Draft-1/2 volunteer forces, Middle class & Students did serve-AA 12% of the casualties: avg-age 20

C. Vietnam Veterans-Myths and portrayal

V. Effects and Results-pg 676

-26th Amendment-#