
Kennedy Foreign and Domestic Policy

I. 1960 Presidential election(Nixon-R vs. JFK-D)

A. John F. Kennedy

1. 1st Catholic and youngest elected at 43

2. Camelot(Jackie Kennedy)

B. Richard Nixon

1. Quaker

2. Self-made man

C. Important events in Election

1. 1st Televised debate

2. Arrest of MLK

3. Missile Gap-#

II. New Frontier (JFK)-#

A. “Best and the Brightest”-JFK Cabinet

B. Education Aid

C. Old age health care plan

D. Tax Cuts

E. Increase Minimum Wage

F. Help for the disabled

G. JFK and Women’s Rights

H. JFK and Civil Rights

III. JFK’s Foreign policy

A. Flexible Response-#

1. Counter-insurgency

2. Alliance for Progress-#

3. Peace Corps-#

B. Cuba-Bay of Pigs-(4/17/61)-#

C. Berlin Wall-#(8/13/61)

D. Cuban Missile Crisis-#

IV. Space Race

A. Yuri Gagarin (Cosmonaut) (4/12/61)-#

B. Mercury Project-NASA in 1959 chose 7 pilots to be the 1st astronauts

1. Alan Shepard (5/5/61)-1st American in space

2. John Glenn- (2/20/62) made the 1st orbital flight by an American

C. Apollo program-Moon landing(Saturn V)

-Apollo 11(7/20/69)-Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin became the 1st people to land on the moon

V. Technology in daily life from Space Program & Cold War

VI. The Kennedy Assassination

A. JFK Assassination (11/22/63): JFK shot in Dallas along with Gov. Connally by Lee Harvey Oswald

B. Jack Ruby-Shot Oswald 2 days after assassination

C. Warren Commission-#

The Johnson Administration

I. Johnson’s Domestic policy

A. The Great Society-#

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B. 1964 presidential election-(LBJ-D vs Goldwater-R)

-Daisy Girl Campaign Ad

II. Implementing the Great Society

A. Tax Cut bill

B. War On Poverty-#

-Economic Opportunity Act, 1964-#

C. Medicare and Medicaid (65)- #

D. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (65)-#

E. Housing and Urban Development(HUD)(65)-#

F. Immigration Act of 1965-#

G. Consumer(1966)

1. Ralf Nader- Unsafe at any Speed-(1965)-attacked Auto industry for ignoring safety concerns

2. National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act(1966) & Highway Safety Act (1966)

3. Department of Motor Vehicles(1966)

4. Truth in Packaging Act

H. Environmental Protection(1965-66)

1. Rachel Carson Silent Spring (1962)-Exposed the effects of pesticides on the environment

2. Water Quality and Clean Air Acts

3. Wilderness Protection Act

III. Warren Court-Court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren that passed down many controversial Supreme court cases

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A. Social Issues

B. Criminal Procedure

C. Voting

IV. Foreign policy-JFK’s advisors(Vietnam dominated)

V. Legacy of Great Society

A. Expansion of Entitlements

B. Some Success on poverty

C. Resurgence of Conservative Movement

D. Increased Deficit

VI. Election of 1968

A. Richard Nixon(Republican)(Definition-Chp 21)

1. Silent Majority-#

2. Southern Strategy-#

B. Herbert Humphrey (Democrat)

1. Anti- War candidate

2. Robert Kennedy-Assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan (1968)

C. George Wallace (American Independent )Segregation party