
What is History?-Introduction through Reconstruction

I. What is history-study or record of past events

a. Uses of History

1. Social Conscience

2. For history yet untold

3. Learning

4. Historicism

5. Recreating for its own sake

6. undermining the Myth

b. Types of sources

1. Primary-1st hand sources used by historians to reconstruct the past(exp. Photographs, eye witness, diary, speeches, etc

2. Secondary-2nd hand sources that are interpretations of the events(exp-biography, textbooks, etc)

c. Causation-Long term & Short term

II. Themes throughout history(Eras in American history)

a. Political

1. Foreign policy

2. Domestic

b. Economic

-development of industry to postmodern economy

c. Social-how people lived

d. Ideas/intellectual

III. Pre history-April 1865

a. Settlement and Founding

1. Pre-Columbus America

2. 1492

3. Colombian Exchange-#

4. Jamestown (1607)Chesapeake-#

5. Plymouth Rock, NE-Mayflower (1620)

b. From Colony to country

1. French & Indian War (1754-1763)

2. John Locke (Two Treaties on Government)1690

3. Revolutionary War (1775-1783)

4. Declaration of Independence-July 4, 1776

5. Articles of Confederation

c. Constitution

1. Constitutional Convention-1787

2. Constitution 1789

a. Popular Sovereignty-#

b. Republic-#

c. Limited Government-#

d. Federalism-#

e. Checks and Balances-#

f. Separation of powers

g. individual rights

h. Bill or Rights-#

j. Judicial Review-#

d. Early Republic

1. Washington

2. Industrialization vs Cotton South

3. Missouri Compromise (1820)-#

e. Sectional Divide

1. Manifest Destiny-#

2. Bleeding Kansas

3. Election of 1860-Lincoln

f. Civil War

1. CW in MO-see handout

2. Troops

3. Bull Run-#

4. Antietam-#

-Emancipation Proclamation-#

5. Gettysburg-#

6. Vicksburg-#

7. Sherman & Grant

IV. April 1865

V. Reconstruction-#

a. Plans of Reconstruction

1. Lincoln-#

2. Congress-Wade Davis-#

3. Johnson-#

b. Reconstruction in the South

1. Black codes-#

2. Freedmen’s Bureau-#

3. Reconstruction Acts(Congressional)-#

c. Civil War Amendments

1. 13th-#

2. 14th-#

3. 15th-#

d. Reconstruction Governments

1. Participation

2. sharecropping-#

3. Improvements-roads, hospitals, & schools

e. South Strikes Back

1. KKK-#

2. Carpetbaggers

3. Scalawags

4. Grant Administration

f. Compromise of 1877-#