Review WWI

Review Sheet-WWI

Know Your Map

Terms, people, and Battles

Belleau Wood Meuse Argonne St. Mihiel

1st Marne 2nd Ypres Chateau-Thierry

Jutland Gallipoli Somme

Verdun Cantiny

U-boats Machine Gun No man’s land

Gas (blister, Mustard, Chlorine) Air planes Trench Warfare

Doughboys Pershing AEF

Sergeant York Schlieffen plan

Franz Ferdinand Fourteen Points Franco-Prussian war

Propaganda reparations Brest-Litovsk

Zimmerman note selective service act

Committee on Public information Liberty Bonds

Schenck v.US & Abrams v. US Sedition and Espionage Act 4-Minute men

War Industries Board Selective Service Act

Short Answer

1. Name two new technologies in WWI.

2. What were the main components of the Treaty of Versailles?

Long Short Answer (Answer in one to two Paragraphs)

1. Why did the US enter the war on allied side? What factor did the US play in the overall allied victory? How did the Wilson and the US affect the peace?

2. Describe the US war effort on the home front? How did the war change everyday life in the United States?