The Twenties

The Twenties

I. The Transition to Peace

A. Labor Unrest-Industrial strikes-Seattle& Pennsylvania –Higher wages & 12 hour work day

1. Cost of Living-#

2. General Strike-#

3. Boston Police Strike-#

4. Anti-American

B. Racial Unrest

-Race Riots of 1919-resisted white mobs (Chicago, TX, DC)

C. The Red Scare-#

1. Communism-an economic and political system based on one-party rule and state ownership of property

2. Anarchists-#

3. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer-

a. Palmer Raids-4/19#

b. General Intelligence Division(FBI)-J. Edgar Hoover director

4. Sacco-Vanzetti Trial-#

D. Anti-Immigration Laws

1. Nativism-#

2. Emergency Quota Act- (Immigration Act of 1921)-#

3. National Origins Act-(Immigration Act of 1924)-#

-Quota System-sets maximum number of people from each country

E. The Second KKK-1924 4.5 million

1. KKK-terrorized immigrants, Jews, Asians, Catholics, and African Americans-supported prohibition

2. 100% Pure Americanism-developed ad campaign by professional promoters

F. Election of 1920-Warren G. Harding won on a campaign for “normalcy”, lower taxes and higher tariffs

II. The Harding Administration

A. New Era for Business

1. Secretary of Treasury -Andrew Mellon-#

a. Supply side economics-#

b. Cut Taxes

c. General Accounting Office-Unified Budget

2. Herbert Hoover-#

3. Boom-& prosperity

B. Harding and Civil Rights

C. Scandals and Harding

1. Ohio gang-#

2. Teapot Dome Scandal#

D. Harding-Died in office-Aug 2, 1923

III. Calvin Coolidge continues Boom

A. “Silent Cal”-soft spoken VP of Harding won the 1924 election over Davis under national prosperity

B. Coolidge-main job of government is to support business, little government is best government

IV. Foreign Policy Under Harding, & Coolidge

A. Dawes Plan-#

B. Washington Conference-#

C. Kellogg-Briand Pact-#

V. Move Toward a Consumer Economy

A. Mass Production#

B. Automobile Boom

1. Henry Ford-#

-Assembly line-#

2. Model-T#

3. Ford -increased wages, 3(8 hour shifts)

4. Route 66-#

C. Airline Industry- #

D. New Consumer Goods

1. Radio-news, games, & shows(1st on presidential election)

2. Refrigerator, Washer, Vacuum, & Iron

3. Razors, tissues, frozen food,

4. Indoor Plumbing

5. Hygiene-mouthwash, cosmetics, deodorants, & perfumes

E. New ways to Sell

1. Advertising-#

2. Installment plans and Credit

F. Welfare capitalism#

G. Managerial Revolution#

H. Signs of Trouble

1. Coal, textiles, and farming: faced hard times

2. Declining demand due to low wages

3. Fordney-McCumber Tariff 1922-#

VI. 1928 Election-Herbert Hoover(R) defeats Alfred Smith(D)-1st Catholic Nominee

VII. The Roaring Twenties “Jazz Age”

A. New ways of living (Family Life)

1. Urbanism & Suburbs(see earlier notes)

2. Automobile-mobile country

3. Women

a. Increased education

b. Worked outside home

c. Social barriers (broken)

d. Increased divorce

e. Flappers-#

4. Companionate family

B. Teenagers-more teens did not have to work due to good economy

1. Increased enrollment & classes at school and different activities (dances, clubs, etc)

2. Decreased time with family more with their friends

3. Fads

4. “Flaming Youth” 1923 novel about wild kids

C. African Americans (1920’s)

1. Marcus Garvey-#

2. Great Migration-#

-Increase in political power

3. Harlem Renaissance-#

a. Langston Hughes#

b. Jazz music#

D. Americans at play

1. Movies-

-The Jazz Singer-1st Movie with sound (talkie)

2. Americans Hero’s-Babe Ruth, Rudolph Valentino Gertrude Ederle (1926 swam across English Channel)

3. Lost Generation-#

4. The Spirit of St. Louis-Charles A Lindbergh-#

-Amelia Earhart-#

VIII. Prohibition#-18th Amendment

A. Volstead Act-#

B. Bootleggers, speakeasies, and organized crime(effects)

1. Bootleggers-name given to illegal traffickers of alcohol

2. Speakeasies-secret illegal clubs that served alcohol

3. Organized Crime-gangsters, bribed city governments and police to stay in business

4. Al “Scarface” Capone-#

5. St. Valentines Day massacre-Capone’s men dressed up as cops and murdered seven people of a rival gang (Bugs Moran). Turned the public sentiment against gangsters

6. Elliott Ness-#

7. 21st Amendment-#

IX. Fundamentalism v. Darwinism

1. Fundamentalist-#

2. Scopes Trial-(Scopes Monkey Trial)-#