
Détente to fall of Communism-Gulf War I

I. The Cold War-Détente

A. Richard Nixon- (elected 1968 (1969-74) (Republican)

1. Silent Majority-#

2. Southern Strategy-#

B. Nixon and the Cold War

1. Détente-#

2. Realpolitik-#

Henry Kissinger-#senior foreign affairs advisor to Nixon

3. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)-#

C. Middle East

1. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)-#

2. Yom Kippur war- (73) Arab-Israel conflict

3. Embargo-#

D. Domestic

1. Stagflation-#


2. New Federalism-#

-Revenue Sharing-#

E. Watergate (1972)-#

1. Woodward and Bernstein

2. Senate Hearings

-Executive Privilege-#

-Special Prosecutor-#

-Spiro Agnew resigned-Nixon appointed Gerald Ford

3. Saturday night massacre

4. Nixon Resigned

5. Results-Pg 717

II. Gerald Ford (Republican)

A. Politics At Home

1. Pardoned Nixon - (dropped approval rating below 50%)

2. Amnesty program

3. The economy

-WIN (Whip inflation now)-Ford’s campaign against inflation

B. Ford and the Cold War

-Cambodian Incident-USS Mayaguez-#

-Helsinki Accords-#

III. Jimmy Carter (Democrat)

A. Election of 1976 (1977-81)

B. Politics at Home

1. Department of Energy-#

2. “Crisis in confidence” (Malaise) speech-#

C. Carter and the Cold War and Foreign policy

1. Panama Canal Treaties

2. Camp David Accords-#

3. Decline of Dentente-Boycott of 1980 Olympics

4. Iran Hostage Crisis-#

IV. American Society

A. Civil Rights

1. Busing-#

2. Affirmative Action-#

-Bakke Case-#

B. American Indian Movement (AIM)

1. Alcatraz (1969)

2. Wounded Knee-1973

3. gaming and increase Property rights

C. Sun Belt-#

D. Rust Belt-#

E. Disability Rights Movement-Section 504

F. Environmental issues

1. Rachel Carson-#


2. Earth Day-#

3. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-#

4. Love Canal & Three Mile Island-#

G. Computers-70’s designers started using the microchip, Steve Jobs started Apple computers

H. Popular Culture

1. Star Wars

2. Increase in drug use

3. Disco Craze

4. Increase in Health and fitness

IV. Ronald Reagan-(81-89) (Republican)

A. Liberalism-# vs. Conservatism-#

1. William Buckley-#

2. New Right-fiscal, social, suburbs, & Sunbelt

-Moral majority-#

B. Election of 1980

-Assassination attempt (81)

C. Politics at Home

1. Supreme Court-Sandra Day O’Conner-#

2. Supply-side economics-(Reaganomics)-#

-budget deficit

3. Deregulation-#

4. Economic Tax Act-cut taxes 25%

5. Election of 1984 -defeated Walter Mondale and his Running mate Geraldine Ferraro by a landslide

D. Reagan’s Cold War and Foreign Policy

1. “Peace through Strength” good vs. evil

2. Central America

a. Grenada (1983)-#

b. Iran-Contra Affair-#

3. Lebanon-US troops arrived in 82 to help keep the peace. In 1983 a truck bomb exploded in the Marine headquarters killing 241 Marines, 1st use of suicide bombings in Middle East, in 1984 the troops were withdrawn

4. Afghanistan-Mujahedeen

5. U.S. - Soviet Relations

a. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Star Wars-#

b. Berlin Wall Speech-#

c. Soviet Union

1. Mikhail Gorbachev-#

2. Glasnost-#

3. Perestroika-#

d. INF Treaty (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces)

V. George Bush-

A. Politics at Home

1. Downsizing

2. Saving and Loans Crisis-#

3. Americans with Disabilities Act-#

B. End of the cold War and other Foreign Policy

1. Berlin Wall falls (November 1989)-following the lead of other communist satellites pro-democracy demonstrators tore down the Berlin Wall

2. Soviet Union falls (1991)-#

3. Panama-Just Cause-#

4. The Persian Gulf War

a. Causes

i. Iraqi invaded Kuwait (8/91)

-Saddam Hussein-#

ii. United Nations (w/US) depended on this region for oil denounced the assault and vowed to defend Saudi Arabia and liberate Kuwait

b. Desert Shield-air war to protect Saudi Arabia from invasion

c. Desert storm-February 23 1991 UN forces led by the US liberated Kuwait

-Commander-Norman Schwarzkopf

-Joint Chiefs-Colin Powel & Cheney

d. Results

i. Iraq defeated

ii. US forces increased roll in ME

iii. Repeated acts of terrorist by Saddam & other Muslim extremists

iv. No Fly zone enforced

v. UN weapons inspectors

VI. Life in the 80’s and Early 90’s

A. Booming Economy

1. yuppies-#

2. Discount retailing-#

B. Technology

1. Rise of Cable Television

i. Ted Turner TBS(75)

ii. Cable (ESPN, MTV, CNN, BET & HBO)

2. Space Shuttle Challenger (86)

3. Technology Advances (PC, VCR, CD, Walkman, and Camcorders)

4. Music and Movies (Michael Jackson, Metallica, Def Lepard, Guns and Roses, Bruce Springsteen, and Madonna) (Star Wars sagas, E.T., Terminators, Goonies, Top Gun, Platoon, and Indiana Jones)

C. Social Activism

1. Fighting Drugs in Schools-Vernoia School District v. Acton (95)


3. AIDS-#

4. Live Aid