
History 121-Research Paper

Goal: To expand your knowledge of history through research and writing.

Assignment: Pick a topic that is within the courses historical time span. Use at least 8 secondary sources and 1 primary source to write a historical paper. Write a 5-8-page paper, explaining the 5 W’s of the topic.


All Sources Cited in Chicago Style or MLA. Photocopy of sources used when footnoted. Your paper must have 8 secondary sources minimum, including your textbook. No Internet sources, unless it is from a scholarly journal in a reliable database.

Paper format: 12 pt, Double Spaced, TNR, Pages numbered Center top starting on 2nd page

What you will turn in.

Topic Proposal

Annotated Bibliography

Rough Draft (Trade and share in class)

Final Draft


Guidelines (50% of Grade)

Paper (Organization & Grammar 20%)

Paper (Historical Content: 30%)

Class Presentation

-Each of you will be responsible for 1 class presentation. The topic will be determined by your choice from the Hst 121(Fall) Hst 122 (Spring) Reading list. The date you will present your presentation depends on your choice and class schedule. The reading list is organized into units and the syllabus provides a rough outline of dates and topics. We will present at the end of the semester. The presentation is part of your research paper grade grade.

Your class presentation should take 5-10 minutes. You should cover the following:

1) Provide biographical information about your research, relating it to the work in class as you deem appropriate

2) Provide a summary of the Your research

3) Relate the work you read to previous class assignments and discussions

4) Explain how the work you read advances our understanding of American History.

You are required to present your material in Power point. All sources used must be fully cited in Chicago style. (Example below)

Your grade will be determined on how well you present the required information.

Full Citation Chicago Style (Example)

Calloway, Colin G. The American Revolution in Indian Country: Crisis and Diversity in Native American Communities. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Semester-Research Paper & Presentation-Scoring Guide

Power Point Presentation-(On Paper or Book):