Notes AMWP

America as a World Power

I. Imperialism vs. Isolationism

A. Imperialism-#

B. Isolationism-#

II. Imperialism grows in Europe

A. Economic Factors-Industry created a need for natural resources

B. Nationalism-Devotion to ones nation(competition between countries)

C. Military factors-Naval bases, European advanced military technology

D. Humanitarian-missionaries, doctors, etc.

E. Annex-to acquire a territory

III. Why was the US Isolationist

A. Washington’s farewell address-warned the US not to get involved in European alliances

B. Atlantic Ocean

C. Monroe Doctrine

IV. Early US Expansion

A. Mexican War

B. William Seward-1867 Purchased Alaska “Seward’s Folly”-oil and gold for the US

C. Annexed Midway Islands (1867)

D. Commodore Matthew C. Perry(1853)- Sailed into Tokyo Bay & forced Japan to trade with US opening up this country to the modern world

V. Arguments for US expansion

A. Promoting Economic Growth

1. Opening World Markets

2. Banana Republics

B. Protecting American Security

1. Alfred T. Mahan “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783”#

2. Naval Advisory Board of 1881 and Naval Act of 1890-Authorized the building of more battleships, gunboats, torpedo boats, and cruisers

C. Preserving American Spirit

1. Dwindling Frontier (Significance of the Frontier by Frederick Jackson Turner 1893, frontier gone, needed a replacement)

2. Social Darwinism & Manifest Destiny

3. Anglo-Saxonism#

The Spanish-American War

I. Origins of the War with Spain

A. Monroe Doctrine

1. Conflicts in Chili and Brazil

2. English and Venezuela-US forced the British to back down and arbitrate dispute with Venezuela

B. Dwindling Spanish empire in Spain

C. Revolt in Cuba against Spain-1895

1. General Weyler-Harsh crackdown with “reconcentration” policy-forced many Cuban’s to move to prison camps

2. Jose Marti-Cuban exile & journalist-argued for US intervention, then persuaded Cuban guerillas to attack US sugar plantations

D. Yellow Journalism-#

1. William Randolph Hearst- New York Morning Journal

2. Joseph Pulitzer-New York World

II. Trigger of War

A. The De Lome letter-#

B. USS Maine-#

III. Final Steps

A. TR-Cabled Naval Commanders to attack Spanish fleet in Philippines if war breaks out.

B. Ultimatum sent to Spain-compensation for Maine, end reconcentration camps, truce in Cuba, and Cuban Independence.

C. Teller Amendment-attached to declaration of war, and stated that the US had no intention to occupy Cuba

IV. The War

A. Pacific Theater

1. Dewey’s Fleet-had moved to Philippines on TR’s cable

2. Battle of Manila Bay-4/30/98 #

B. Caribbean Theater

1. Preparations for Invasion-Tampa, FL.

2. Battle of San Juan Hill-#

3. Battle of Santiago Bay-Bay blockaded Spanish Atlantic Fleet, when it tried to break out it lost all of its ships and about 474 troops

4. “A splendid little war”-John Hay- 2500(killed) 400 in battle, the rest form disease

C. The Treaty of Paris-(12/98) #

V. Problems with Imperialism

A. Philippines

1. US decided to annex the islands to protect from Europe

2. Emilio Aguinaldo-1/99 issued proclamation of independence for the Philippines and the US ignored him an all out war began in February

3. Guerilla Warfare-unconventional attacks by an insurgent force involving ambush or hit and run tactics

4. Representative Government-granted in July 1 1902, to the Philippines, but off and on fighting occurred until full Independence was granted in 1946

B. Cuba

1. General Leonard Wood-administered a military government in Cuba, until a draft constitution based on ours could be drawn up in 1900

2. Platt Amendment-#

C. Puerto Rico

1. Foraker Act-#

2. Jones Act of 1917-#

D. Hawaii

1. Late 1800’s Hawaii became an important part of the Sugar economy of the US

2. Queen Liliuokalani-#

3. Sanford Dole-#

E. Samoa-US divided up with Germany and set up Naval base at Pago Pago

F. China

1. Spheres of Influence-#

2. Open Door Policy-#

3. Boxer Rebellion-(Spring 1900)-#

A New Foreign Policy

I. The Panama Canal

A. France-Ferdinand de Lesseps

B. Spooner Act of 1902-authorized the purchase of the French rights and required the US to negotiate a treaty with Columbia

C. Revolution 1903-Phillippe Bunau-Varilla-backed by US support began a revolution, wand the US immediately recognized Panamanian independence and became its protector

D. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty-Gave 10 Mile width of land across Panama, payment to Panama of 10 Million for 99 years

E. Building the Canal

1. Disease-Cost 6000 lives

2. Canal was finished in 1914 and became a Highway between the oceans

3. Left a legacy of distrust in Latin America

II. Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy

A. “Speak softly and carry a big stick” TR 1901

B. Roosevelt Corollary-# (to Monroe Doctrine)-(police force of Latin America)

C. Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo)-#

D. Roosevelt as Peacemaker

1. Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905-War broke out between Russia and Japan over land in Asia, After the Russian Fleet sailed to Japan it was defeated.

2. Treaty of Portsmouth-mediated in NH by TR ended the war with Russia ceding land to Japan (Korea), and to China (Manchuria) instead of a huge money payment. TR won Nobel Peace Prize

III. Taft

-Dollar Diplomacy-#

IV. Wilson’s Foreign Policy

A. Moral Diplomacy-using moral and legalistic standards to foreign policy

B. Wilson and Mexico

1. Mexico’s Revolution-1911-a revolution forced longtime dictator Porfirio Diaz out of power and set up a democratic government of Francisco Madero

2. General Victoriano Huerta-#

3. Veracruz-#

4. Francisco “Pancho” Villa-Led revolutionary group in northern Mexico and began raiding US cities for Wilson’s support of Carranza, Raided Columbus NM on 3/9/16 and killed 15 people

5. John J. Pershing-sent down into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, fought for several months against Mexican regulars and rebels and returned to US unsuccessful

Debating the New Role

I. Anti-Imperialists

A. Progressives and Democrats-Jane Addams, William Jennings Bryan, and Mark Twain

B. Arguments against Imperialism

1. Liberty for All-“the Constitution must follow the flag”

2. Racism-differences in character and intelligence are due to one’s race

3. Economic-expansion cost too much money