WWII Review Sheet

Review Sheet-WWII

Know the Map (Europe and Pacific)(Major countries and battles)

Know these Terms:

Blitzkrieg kamikaze island-hopping Erwin Rommel

Kristallnacht Kasserine pass Holocaust D-Day

Battle of Britain Iwo Jima Midway Omar Bradley

Manhattan Project Pearl Harbor Douglas MacArthur Battle of the Bulge

Bataan Death March Quarantine Speech War Production Board

Battle of Coral Sea Stalingrad Rape of Nanking Chester Nimitz

Dwight D. Eisenhower Hiroshima Non-aggression Pact

Rosie the Rivetor Bracero appeasement napalm

Nuremberg Trials Double V EO 9066

Know these dates and why they are important.

September 1, 1939 June 6, 1944 September 2, 1945.

December 7, 1941 May 8, 1945.

Short Answer

  1. Name the Short term and long term causes of WWII in Europe?

  2. Why did the US use the Atomic bomb on Japan to end the war?

  3. What were the major results of WWII?

Essay Questions: (Choose 1) answer in 2-3 paragraphs on test

1. How did WWII change US society? (exp. families, work, economy, & population)

2. Compare and contrast the war in Europe and the War in the Pacific. What were the most important battles? Why were the US and their allies successful?