Notes-Civil Rights and Counter Culture

Civil Rights Movement

I. Early Civil Rights Reforms

A. CORE-(Congress of Racial Equality-42)-#

-Sit ins-#

B. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas-(1954)#

C. The Little Rock Nine- (fall 1957)-#

D. Montgomery Bus Boycott-#

-Rosa Parks-#

E. Martin Luther King Jr.-#

F. Southern Christian Leadership Conference-#

G. Civil Rights Act of 1957-#

II. Civil Rights 1960-78

A. Woolworth Sit-Ins- in Richmond & Greensboro met with violence

B. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee-(SNCC)-#

C. Freedom Rides-#

D. James Meredith-#

E. Demonstrations in Birmingham-#

-Bull Conner

-Letters from a Birmingham jail

-JFK-Announces Civil Rights legislation

F. March on Washington-8/63-#

G. Civil Right Act of 1964-#

H. 24th Amendment(1964)-outlawed the poll tax(federal not in state elections)

I. Selma March-(3/65)-#

J. Voting Rights Act of 1965-#

III. 1965-70 end of unity

A. Racism-#

B. Watts Riot-#

-Kerner Commission-#

C. Chicago Movement-#

-Richard Daley-#

D. Malcolm X –#

E. Black Power-#

F. Black Panthers-# (fall 66)

G. King Assassinated-(4/4/68)-#

Women’s Rights

I. Equal Pay Act-63-#

II. Betty Friedan and Feminism

A. The Feminine Mystique-#

B. Feminism –#

C. National Organization for Women (NOW) –#

III. Young Feminists

IV. Title IX-#

V. Equal Rights Amendment-1972-#

VI. Roe v. Wade (1973)-#

Counterculture (1960’s)

I. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)-#

II. Free Speech Movement-#

III. Teach-in-#

IV. Draft Resistance-conscientious objectors (opposed all war on moral grounds) deferments (allowed out of the draft) draft dodgers-opposed the VN war

V. Counterculture-#

-Hippies- #


-Haight-Ashbury district-San Francisco-#


-Music-Bob Dylan, Woodstock, & Jimmy Hendrix

Mexican-Latino Americans & Immigrants

I. League of United Latin American Citizens-#

II. United Farm Workers-#

-Caesar Chavez & Dolores Huerta

III. La Raza Unida-#
