WWII Notes

Foreign Policy of the Thirties

I. Foreign Policy(33-37)

A. Congress-FP

1. Nye Committee-#

2. Neutrality Laws (35-37)-caused by aggression abroad

a. No loans to countries at war

b. No American passengers on beleaguered ships

c. No contraband munitions(war making materials)

d. If want non-contraband-have to pay cash

B. FDR-Internationalism-#

a. Recognition of USSR (33)

b. Quarantine speech-aggressive nations treated like disease-since no war declared neutrality laws do not apply (Japan-China)

World War II

I. Leaders of WWII

1. Joseph Stalin “Man of Steel”(USSR)-(24-53)

a. Rose to power after Lenin’s death (24) using political terror

b. 5 Year programs- promoted rapid industrialization to get SU caught up with rest of Europe

c. Purges-systematic use of terror in USSR to eliminate opponents

d. collectives-#

e. Totalitarism-government controls every aspect of a person’s life (communistic totalitarian)

2. Benito Mussolini “Il Duce”(Italy)-#

a. Fascist-#

b. Blackshirts-#

c. March on Rome-# (1922)

3. Adolf Hitler “Der Fuhrer”(Germany)-Nazis (Nationalist Socialist Party)(Fascist)

a. Mein Kampf (My Struggle)-#

b. 1933 Chancellor –Enabling Act-(34)-President

c. Lebensraum-Living space for master race

4. Heideki Tojo (Japan) rose to power through Japanese military (prime minister of Japan October 1941) forced out after fall of Saipan(military dictatorship)

-Emperor Hirohito-puppet figure

5. Winston Churchill(Great Britain)-British statesman soldier and author served in several cabinet positions; replaced Neville Chamberlain

6. FDR (United States)

II. Causes (Long Term)

1. Rise of Dictators and Militarists

2. Depression

3. Treaty of Versailles

III. World War II. Begins (ETO) Germany

1. Denounced Versailles(35)

2. Axis powers-Germany, Italy, & Japan (36) (Tripartite Pact-1940-Military)

3. Reoccupied the Rhineland (DMZ)-(36)

4. Anschluss-#(38)

5. Munich Conference (9/38)-#


6. Demanded Danzig & Land bridge to East Prussia (10/38)

7. Non-aggression Pact-(8/23/39)-#

8. Short Term-(Europe) September 1, 1939-Germany invades Poland-Starting WWII in Europe


IV. US Neutrality(ETO)

1. Peace time Draft (10/40) Destroyers for bases

2. Lend-Lease Act-(12/40)#

3. Four Freedoms (1/41)-speech, worship, want, & fear

4. Atlantic Charter (8/41)-#

V. In the Pacific(PTO)

1. Manchuria incident-(9/31)-#

2. Japan invades China(7/37)

-Rape of Nanking-Japanese systematic killing of 200,000 civilians

3. US-froze funds in July 1941 after Japan occupied all French Indochina-threatening British empire

4. Pearl Harbor- December 7, 1941-#

VI. Holocaust

1. Holocaust-Nazi Germany’s systematic murder of European Jews.

2. Nuremburg laws(9/35)-#

3. Kristallnacht-“night of the broken glass”-#

4. Wannsee Conference-#

5. Genocide-deliberate killing of a race or ethnic group

6. Concentration Camps-#

7. Death Camps(extermination camps)-concentration camps intended to murder “undesirables”

-Auschwitz -the biggest death camp-Poland

VII. Final Victory-Atomic Age

a. Manhattan Project-#

b. Trinity-1st atomic bomb detonated 7/16/45(White Sands, NM)

c. 1st bomb (Little Boy)-8/6/45- Enola Gay dropped on Hiroshima killed between 70, 000 to 80, 000 and later many would die from radiation

d. Nagasaki 2nd bomb; (Fat Man) 8/9/45

e. Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945, VJ day, Japan formerly surrendered on September 2, 1945 on the USS Missouri.

VIII. Costs of the War & Results

55 million killed

Roots of Cold War

United Nations

Nuremburg and Tokyo trials

US World Power status

World War II. At Home

I. Americans Prepare for war

A. Industry Prepares for war

1. War Production Board-#

2. Liberty ships-#

B. Paying for the War

1. Raised taxes Middle Income families for the first time paid income taxes

2. War Bonds

C. Troops-Selective Training and Service Act (1940)-1st peacetime draft in U.S. History

1. People age 21 to 35 had to register

2. If you held a job vital to war making industry you were exempted

D. Support and sacrifice

1. OPA-#

2. rationing-#

3. victory gardens-#

E. Effect on Children

1. Many Children were scared of an attack

2. Many helped to pitch in the war effort by collecting scrap metal, rubber, and purchased War stamps and bonds

II. Minorities and the War

A. Women

1. WASP-Women’s Air Force Service Pilots

2. WAAC & WAC-#

3. Rosie the Riveter-#

B. African Americans

1. Great Migration

2. Double V-#

3. Tuskegee Airmen-#

4. Served in Segregated units, but as war went on began to fight in Infantry units, Air Force, and tank units

5. A. Phillip Randolf-#

6. EO 8802-(6/41)#

C. Mexican Americans

1. Braceros-#

2. Zoot-suit riots-#

D. Native Americans

-Navajo code talkers-used language to create code that could not be broken by Japanese

E. Japanese Americans

1. EO-9066-allowed military to declare an area a military zone & ordered all Japanese on West coast to internment camps

2. Korematsu v. US (44)