
The Cold War-1950’s

I. The World After War

A. Deciding the fate of the post-war world

1. Yalta Conference (Feb-45)-#

2. Potsdam Conference-(July 45)-#

B. Political Changes

1. United Nations-(April 25, 1945)--#

a. Security Council-#

b. General Assembly-#

2. Nuremberg Trials-(45-46) -#

3. Tokyo Trials-#

4. Birth of Israel-(1948)

II. Roots of the Cold War

  1. Cold War-competition between the US and USSR for power and influence in the world

  2. Superpowers-US and USSR only major powers left in world after WWII

  3. Satellite states-#

  4. Iron Curtain-#

  5. Containment-(1946)-#

-George Kennan-Long telegram

  1. Truman Doctrine-(March 47)-#

  2. Marshall Plan-(47)-#

  3. Berlin Airlift-#

  4. NATO-(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (April 49)-#

-Warsaw Pact-(1955)-#

III. The year of the Communist (1949)

  1. Chinese Civil War (1917-1949)-Mao Zedong(communist)


-Increase support to Japan

B. USSR Atomic Bomb

C. French Indochina aid

IV. Cold War at Home(2nd Red Scare)

  1. Federal Civil Defense Administration-#

  2. Federal employee loyalty program-#

  3. HUAC(House Un-American Committee)-(1938)-#

1. Hollywood Ten-#

2. Blacklist-#

  1. Famous Spy Cases from the 2nd Red Scare

1. Alger Hiss-#

2. Ethel and Julius Rosenburg-#

  1. McCarran Act(1950)-#

  2. Senator Joseph McCarthy-#

  3. McCarthyism-#

V. Korean War

  1. 38th Parallel-#

  2. Invasion-June 25, 1950-North Korea communist forces attacked South Korea driving them all the way to Pusan

  3. UN Police action-June 27 1950-Truman got the UN to support Korea and drive the communist back north

  4. Douglas MacArthur-US general that led UN forces in Korea

  5. Pusan Perimeter-Area in the South that the US sent troops to hold off and delay the fall of South Korea

  6. Inchon-amphibious landing in the North that cut off North Korean supply lines and forced a retreat.

  7. Yalu River-Border between North Korea and China that Macarthur pushed toward hoping to defeat North Korea, led to China entering the war

  8. Chosin Reservoir-After the Chinese entered the war the US forces were surrounded and had to fight their way to the South, where a stalemate evolved

  9. MacArthur fired-#

  10. DMZ-Created on June 27, 1953 effectively ended the war when a cease fire was established(33,600-US died)

  11. Results

1. SEATO-#

2. Increase aid to Vietnam

3. South Korea prosperous-continuous support

4. Cold War to Asia

5. Militarized Cold War-NSC-68

VI. Eisenhower and the Cold War

  1. Southeast Asia

  2. Eastern Europe-Would not risk war to help uprisings in satellite states

  3. Middle-East

1. Suez-Canal Crisis-#

2. Eisenhower Doctrine-#

  1. Arms Race-the struggle between US and USSR to gain weapons superiority (began with hydrogen bomb)

1. Deterrence-policy of making military so strong that no enemy would attack for fear of retaliation

2. Massive retaliation-#

3. Brinkmanship-#

  1. Cold War in Skies

1. Strategic Air Command(SAC)-system of bombers on call to protect against surprise USSR attack-Motto “Peace is our profession”

2. ICBM-Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles- s

3. Sputnik-(1957)first artificial satellite to obit earth launched by Soviets

4. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)1958-#

5. National Defense Education Act-designed to improve science and math instruction so the US could compete with the USSR

6. U-2 incident-spy plane shot down by USSR in (May 1960)

7. Military-industrial complex-#

VII. Truman (domestic issues)

  1. Reconversion-

  2. Labor issues

1. Taft-Hartley Act-#

2. Union Shops-#

  1. Fair Deal-#

  2. –EO-desegregated the military

  3. National Security act of 1947-formed CIA, Department of defense, NSC, Joint chiefs, & made Air Force

  4. Election of 1948-Truman-Democrat


-Republican-Thomas Dewey

VIII. VII. Election of 1952

-Checkers Speech-#

IX. Eisenhower (domestic)

  1. Modern Republicanism-(dynamic conservatism)-#

  2. Federal Highway Act(Interstate Highway Act)-#

-Automobile culture

X. Postwar America

A. Family-Increase in Divorce

1. Baby Boom-(45-61)-65 million children

-Dr. Spock-Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care

2. Affluent society-money to buy consumer goods


-Planned obsolescence

-Advertising Age

3. Resurgence of Religion

4. Generation Gap(RNR)-New hair & dress styles

5. Beat Movement-#

B. Changes in workforce-shift from blue collar to white collar jobs

1. Multinational Corporations-(Conglomerates)-#

2. Franchises-#

4. Serviceman’s Readjustment Act of 1944-GI Bill of Rights-#

5. Levittown-#

C. Problems in the 50’s

1. Poverty Line-#

2. Urban decline

3. Discrimination

4. Native Americans-Termination policy

5. Appalachia-#

D. Changes in Technology an medical

1. Computers-ENIAC-46-Make military calculations

2. Transistor radios

3. Medical-Radiation treatments, CPR, Heart Valves, TB

-Jonas Salk-Anti-Polio vaccine

4. Mass Media

5. Television


6. Hollywood-Full color blockbusters, 3D tech,

7. Rock N Roll-Chuck Berry, Elvis, Buddy Holly, etc