FDR & New Deal

FDR and the New Deal

I. FDR-Democrat-President from 1933 to 1945

A. Fireside Chats-#

B. Brain Trust-group of intellectuals from NY that helped FDR devise policy

C. FDR’s plan

1. Relief- Federal involvement in the economy, providing funds to states

2. Recovery-unemployment relief, restructure some programs, put people to work

3. Reform-to preserve capitalism

a. financial reform

b. social welfare reform

D. 100 days-#

E. New Deal-#( see hand out)

II. Critics of the New Deal

A. Conservative Critics-

-American Liberty League-criticized deficit spending-*# & regulations on business

B. Liberal Critics-

1. Dr. Francis Townsend & Townsend Plan-#

2. Rev. Charles E. Coughlin-#

3. Senator Huey Long-Share our wealth society-#

III. 2nd New Deal (see hand out)

IV. Election of 1936-#

V. FDR and the Supreme Court

A. NIRA and AAA unconstitutional by Supreme Court

1. Schechter Poultry v. US(1935)

2. US vs. Butler (1936)

B. Judicial Reorganization bill(Court Packing Bill)-#

C. 1937 Recession-#

-Keynes (Keynesian economic philosophy)-#

VI. Phase III or 3rd New Deal (see hand out)

VII. Minorities in the New Deal

A. Women- were discouraged from working

-Frances Perkins-#

-Eleanor Roosevelt-set the standard of 1st Ladies, became FDR eyes and ears and campaigned for his programs

B. Native Americans-Indian Reorganization Act-ended land allotments

-John Collier-Commissioner of Indian Affairs

C. African Americans-Switch to Democratic party-usually discriminated against

-Mary Bethune-head of unofficial black cabinet

VIII. Legacy of the New Deal

A. Broker State

B. Safety Net

C. Welfare state

On 100 New Deal Program Worksheet-* denotes program to know for test not EOC Vocab Word

New Deal Programs

1. Banking Holiday* (March 5-9. 1933)-4 day banking closure to stop the run on banks

100 Days

1. Emergency Banking Relief Act (1933)-gave President power over credit transactions and gold, silver, and foreign currency, it also allowed the banks to re-open on 10 March if they could prove solvency


2. Federal Emergency Relief Act (12 May 1933)

-Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)-500 million in quick relief given to states

-Harry Hopkins-administer

3. Reforestation Relief Act (31 March 1933)

-Civilian Conservation Corps* (CCC)-provided 250,000 immediate jobs with necessities provided working on soil erosion, national parks, flood control, and conservation


4. Agriculture Adjustment Act* (AAA) [12 March 33]-designed to cut production, set up subsidy principle, where a farmer was paid to grow less, set up parity payment

-Farm Credit Act (16 June 33)-provided funds for farmers to meet their mortgage-paid for by tax on production of commodities

5. National Industrial Recovery Act* (NIRA) [16 June 33]-designed to balance business and labor, set minimum wage, max work hours, and fair codes for competition

-National Recovery Administration (NRA)-agency that enacted act

-Hugh Johnson Director, blue eagle symbol, “We do our part” motto

-Public Works Administration (PWA)-supervised building of roads, public buildings, and other projects

-Harold Ickes, director


6. Tennessee Valley Authority* (TVA) [18 May 33]-set up state company to dam Tennessee River and provide electricity

7. Federal Securities Act (27 May 33)-required the Federal government to register and approve all issues of stocks and bonds and issuers to make full disclosure

-Securities and Exchange Commission*(SEC)-regulates exchanges and transactions involving securities

8. Home Owners Refinancing Act (16 June 33)

-Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)-provide mortgage money and other aid such as taxes and money for repairs

9. Banking (Glass-Steagall) Auto of 1933 (16 June 33)

-Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation* (FDIC) - guaranteed individual bank deposits up to 5000, and permitted branch banking

Post 100-day programs

1. Civil Works Administration* (CWA) [8 November 33]-created to provide temporary jobs raking leaves, shoveling snow, and working in national parks (about 4 million were employed) (more Relief)

2. Commission Act (19 June 34)

-Federal Communication Commission* (FCC)-supervise radio telegraphs and telephone communications

2nd New Deal

1. Emergency Relief Appropriation Act [ERAA] (8 April 35)-FDR given power to set up millions of jobs

-Works Progress Administration* (WPA)-set up to build public buildings schools airfields, projects with artist, historians’ etc.

-Federal Theater Project

-Federal Art Project

-National Youth Administration (NYA)

-Resettlement Administration (RA)-goal to improve condition of farm families not benefiting from AAA

-Rural Electrification Administration (REA)-to provide electricity to remote rural areas where it was not feasible to provide service privately

-Farm Securities Administration (FSA)-low interest loans to tenant and sharecroppers & sanitary camps

2. Wagner Act-National Labor Relations Board (5 July 35)-allowed workers to be in the Union, binding arbitration

3. Social Securities Act* (14 August 35)-set up payroll tax on employees to provide a pension for retired people and other disabled persons

4. Revenue Act of 1935-increased estate and corporate taxes, instituted high income tax rates

3rd New Deal Final Phase

1. 2nd Agriculture Adjustment Act* (16 February 38)-reestablished parity payment of AAA

2. Fair Labor Standards Act* (25 June 38)-set up minimum wage and setting 44 hr work week trimmed to 40 hour work week in 1940 (1st Minimum wage)