Notes Unit 3

Progressive Movement

Early Progressive Reforms

I. Challenging Social Darwinism –

A. Henry George- Progress and Poverty#

B. Lester Frank Ward- Dynamic Sociology#

II. Helping Urban Poor

A. Social Gospel-#

B. Salvation Army & YMCA-#

C. Settlement Houses-Hull House (Jane Addams) #

D. Public Education-


III. Business-Econ-

A. Panic of 1893#

B. Sherman Antitrust Act-#

Populism-The people’s party

I. Money

A. Greenbacks#

B. Inflation#

C. Deflation#

1. Bimetallic Standard-currency consisting of coins or notes that could be exchanged for gold or silver

2. free silver-unlimited coining of silver

3. Bland-Allison Act of 1878-required the government to purchase and coin silver

4. Sherman Silver Purchase Act-(1890)-increased the amount of silver the government was required to purchase (repealed 1893)

II. Birth of the Populists

A. The Grange-(Patrons of Husbandry) 1866 Oliver H. Kelley


B. Farmers’ Alliances

-Sub treasuries#

C. The Populists (Peoples Party 1891) 1892 Platform

D. Panic of 1893

Rise of Segregation

I. African Americans after 1877-Tenacy & sharecropping

A. Exodusters#

B. Colored Farmers National Alliance#

II. Southerners turn back the clock

1. Poll Tax-#

- “grandfather clause”

2. Segregation-#

a. Jim Crow Laws-#

b. Supreme Court- 14th Amendment only applied to federal government and the Civil Rights act of 1875 was unconstitutional.

c. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)-#

II. African Americans in the Progressive movement

1. Booker T. Washington-#

-Atlantic Compromise#

2. George Washington Carver-#

3. Ida B. Wells-Barnett-#

4. Mary Church Terrell-#

5. W.E.B. Dubois-#

7. NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) (1909) #

The Progressive Movement

  1. Causes

    1. Science and Technology could improve society

    2. Urbanization, immigration, &Industrialization created social problems

    3. Laizzez-Faire government led to problems

    4. Political corruption

  2. Progressives-#

  3. Progressive goals

    1. End government corruption

    2. End monopoly of big business

    3. Improve working conditions/end child labor

    4. End alcoholism

    5. Women’s suffrage

    6. wanted to help poor with public affairs

  4. Muckrakers-#

    1. Jacob Riis

    2. Ida B. Tarbell-#

    3. Lincoln Steffens-#

II. Efficient Government/ Scientific Management

-. City Governments-Mayor-Council

1. Commissioner form#

2. Council-Managers Form-#

3. Urban zoning, safer building codes, and park plans

III. Democratic Reforms

A. Wisconsin idea-(La Follette)-

-Direct primary-#

B. Election reforms

1. 17th Amendment#

2. Initiative-#

3. Recall-#

4. Referendum-#

5. Secret Ballot

IV. Social Change

A. Education-

1. Increased enrollment-Laws for attending school

2. John Dewey-Important philosopher and educator, promoted more problem solving skills and critical thinking

B. Professionalization-Exp (AMA)

C. Workplace

1. Lochner v. New York-#

2. Muller v. Oregon-#

3. Workers Compensation-1st law passed in MD in 1902

4. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (1911 NY)-#

V. Women’s Suffrage and Temperance

A. Seneca Falls 1848 –Declaration of Rights, Led by Stanton and Mott-Produced a “Declaration of Sentiments” that called for increased rights for married women, suffrage, and higher education

B. –Duel-Movements after CW

C. Susan B. Anthony-#

D. NAWSA (National American Woman Suffrage Association) #

E. Temperance-

-Women’s Christian Temperance Movement

-18th Amendment#

F. Alice Paul-NWA (National Women’s Party)-#

G. Carrie Chapman Catt-#

H. 19th Amendment (1920) #

Progressive Presidents

I. Teddy Roosevelt(TR) (01-09)(Republican)

A. Square Deal#

B. 1902 Coal miners Strike-#


C. Trustbuster

- Northern Securities v. United States-#

D. 1904 Election-TR won a huge victory over Alton Parker

E. TR and Business

1. Department of Commerce and Business#

2. Hepburn Act-#

F. Consumer protection

a. Upton Sinclair- The Jungle –#

b. Pure Food and Drug Act-(1906)#

c. Meat Inspection Act-#

F. TR and Conservation(movement or effort to protect nature and its resources)

a. TR set aside forest land created 5 National parks-Yellowstone System(16)

b. Newlands Reclamation Act 1902-#

c. Gifford Pinchot-TR head of US forest service in 1905

II. William Howard Taft-(09-13) (Republican)

A. Taft would bust up more trust than TR

-16th Amendment (1913) #

B. Republicans divided

1. Payne-Aldrich Tariff-#

2. Ballinger v. Pinchot (The Conservation Controversy) #

C. Election of 1912-

1. TR-Progressive (Bull Moose Party)

-The New Nationalism-#

2. Taft (Republican)

3. Wilson (Democrat)

-New Freedom-#

III. Woodrow Wilson (13-21) (Democrat)

A. Economic Reforms-2 key tariff reduction and economic reforms

1. Underwood Tariff Act (1913) #

2. Federal Reserve Act-# pg 310

B. Regulating Big Business

1. Clayton Antitrust Act-#

2. Federal Trade Commission-#

C. Social issues

-Keating-Owen Child Labor Act-#

IV. Legacy of Progressivism + & -

A. Role of government in Regulating business & social problems

B. Progressive Amendments 16-19

C. Limits of Progressive movement

1. Low ebb of Race Relations

2. Springfield IL Riots 1908-#

-Lynching’s Springfield MO

3. Niagara Movement-#


4. Great Migration-Large number of African Americans moving north to escape Jim Crow

5. ADL (American Defamation League)#

6. Eugenics-using science (laws of heredity) to solve social problems (crime, poverty, etc)-Margaret Sanger-Planned Parenthood (Eugenic)