Notes Unit II

British Empire in America

I. The Restoration Colonies

-Charles II.


-New York

II. The Carolina’s

-Manorial system

III. Pennsylvania

-William Penn

-Society of Friends

-Frame of Government

IV. Mercantilism to Dominion


-Navigation Acts

-Revenue Act 1673

-Lords of Trade and Massachusetts

-James II

-Glorious Revolution 1688

-Uprisings in Colonies

V. Imperial Wars

-War of Spanish Sucession

Imperial Slave Economy

I. South Atlantic System

-Fertile lands

-Enslaved laborers from Africa

-Capital and Ships from Europe

-Sugar revolution

-Middle passage

II. Slavery in South Carolina Chesapeake

-Tobacco revolution

-absentee owners


-Shifting to slavery by race

-Slavery in Chesapeake

-Slavery in South Carolina

III. Emergence of African Americans Culture

-1st Tribal

-New language


IV. Oppression and Resistance

-outright resistance

-Stono Rebellion

-passive resistance

V. Southern Gentry

Northern Maritime Economy

I. Urban Development

-Seaport Society

-Urban Gentry

-Artisan and Shopkeepers

II. The New Politics of Empire

-Colonial Assemblies

-Elitist System

-Popular control

-Salutary Neglect

-Sir Robert Walpole

-Court vs. Country party

-Protecting Mercantile system

-War of Jenkins’ Ear(War of Austrian Succession)

-Treaty of Aiz-la-Chapelle

-Molasses Act of 1733

-Currency Act (1751)

-Increased Control

Colonial Society 1720-1765

I. Freehold Society in New England

-Farm Families


-Standard of living


-indentured servants


-“marriage portion”

-Crisis of Freehold society

-increase population

-wild children

-productive crops

-household mode of production

II. Middle Atlantic

-Economic growth

-New York

-fertile lands & long growing season

-manorial lords

-Inefficient farm equipment

-New Jersey and Pennsylvania

-wealthy agriculturists


-Cultural diversity




-Religious Identity and political conflict

Enlightenment and Great Awakening 1740-1765

I. Enlightenment in America

-Christian Beliefs

-Enlightenment thought

-John Locke

-Social compacts

-Natural rights


-Secular dimension

II. American Pietism and Great Awakening


-Whitefield 1739

-New Light

-Upheaval in the North

-Conflict between New and Old

-Awakening undermined

-traditional churches and ministers

-reaffirmed communal ethics

-Questioned pursuit of wealth

-Conflict in the South

-Gentry threatened

-Black and white spirituality

War, Trade, and Social Conflict 1750-1765

I. French and Indian War


-Fort Duquesne.

II. Seven years War

-William Pitt


-Treaty of Paris 0f 1763

-Pontiac’s Rebellion

-Proclamation line of 1763

III. Economic Growth

-Industrial Revolution

-“Consumer Revolution”

-increase standard of living

-increased exports


-dependent on overseas creditors

IV. Land Conflicts